Celebrating the Simple Things


Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Nancy Stoops M.A., M.F.T Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

I believe that each day we have the honor of being alive is call for celebration. Every morning as I awaken and see the sun rising and filling the sky with majestic colors, I am reminded of how lucky we are.As I step out in the morning with Midnight, my therapy dog, I feel blessed for his friendship and for the health that we both have. As we start our walk through our wonderful community, I am proud to be part of it and I enjoy the morning song of the birds around us. As we walk, I enjoy the trees and flowers that represent life in the neighborhood.

Midnight and I are greeted by the other daily walkers with a friendly smile and warm hello. It’s so nice to be part of such a wonderful neighborhood filled with such lovely people.

Sometimes the other dogs will visit with Midnight as we make our way through our neighborhood, and that makes Midnight a very happy soul.

I think the feeling of the sun on my face is just magical. The fragrant plants and flowers are intoxicating and so very delightful. Swimming or floating in water has always been very freeing for me. Laughter truly is the best medicine and I think we all could do a lot more of it. Looking up at a night sky filled with stars and a full moon can be an experience that provides a wonderful kind of solace. Just hanging out with my grandson is fabulous.

These simple things I speak of don’t cost any money, but are literally priceless. I think if we all take time to appreciate the simple things that are so wonderful in our world, we will be more positive. I think we will not dwell so much on what is wrong, but focus on what is right!

This article was written by Nancy Stoops, M.A., M.F.T. Nancy is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Diamond Bar, and is currently accepting new clients. Nancy also runs free family support groups, anger management groups, and special groups for seniors and teens. She is also available for motivational speaking engagements. For more information on any of these services, contact Nancy at (909)229-0727.