With an influx of affordable tiles hitting the market, and an overabundance of DIY shows on television, you'd think it would be a cinch to install your own backsplash. But beware: just because it looks easy, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of chances to do it incorrectly. Here are the biggest mistakes homeowners make when DIYing their own backsplashes and how you can avoid having a backsplash nightmare in your own kitchen.

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Mistake #1: Not measuring correctly. At first glance a kitchen backsplash looks simple and straightforward—and parts of it might be. But consider the outlets, the water tap above the stove, or the window ledge. Each of these elements must be measured and accounted for. Make sure you note the proper height and thickness needed for the backsplash. If you choose a slab of marble for the backsplash, for example, you may need to have the thickness reduced so as not to impede on the countertop depth or interfere with appliances. Stick to the old adage of measuring twice, cutting once.

Mistake #2: Picking the wrong color tile and grout. Because the backsplash is nearly at eye level and placed on a vertical wall, it's one of the first things someone notices when entering the kitchen. So choose your backsplash colors wisely. The eye is drawn to patterns so you can create patterns with tile and you can also create reverse patterns with grout. Not sure where to start with tile patterns? Check out these kitchen design photos. Also keep in mind that backsplashes should complement, not clash with, your countertop. So before you buy your tile, bring samples home. And if you can, leave your backsplash samples on the counter for a few days so you can see how light affects the color and if the material attracts, or detracts, from the kitchen.

Mistake #3: Ignoring details. Installing a kitchen backsplash means paying attention to details. The kitchen backsplash needs to be installed correctly so that water doesn't seep between seams. Lines need to match up and the edges need to meet the countertops and cabinetry correctly. Caulk lines and grout should be applied with a steady hand and the excess cleaned off. Although the backsplash may feel like an afterthought when remodeling your kitchen, when done incorrectly it can really draw the wrong type of attention. Pay close attention to the details of the backsplash to ensure everyone notices the good details, not the bad.

Mistake #4: Thinking it will only take a weekend. Like any DIY project, installing your own backsplash could take a weekend but it might also take several weekends. This all depends upon the actual scope of the project (how many linear feet of backsplash, how much cutting, how much grouting) and how dedicated you are to following the instructions. Forgetting items at the hardware store, not having the proper tools on hand or not understanding drying times can certainly lead to longer completion times. Unfortunately, using your kitchen while not having a backsplash can seriously ruin the drywall – so don't let this project drag on. Before you begin, be honest about your skills and dedication. If necessary, sign up for a class on tile installation so that you don't practice on your own home using expensive materials.

Mistake #5: Not following instructions.
Just like following a recipe, before you begin this project you'll want to thoroughly read through the instructions and have all of your supplies on hand. This will help ensure that from start to finish, you are working efficiently and in the correct order. No matter what type of backsplash material you choose, you'll want to follow the proper installation instructions to ensure a tight water seal. You'll also want to note drying times and apply the appropriate sealants.

Mistake #6: Spending too much money. You may be drawn to the most expensive tile or slab of marble in the showroom but keep your wallet in check: the backsplash isn't where you should be spending all your kitchen renovation money. On average, the countertops and backsplashes account for about 15 percent of a kitchen renovation (cabinetry is about 48 percent). It's okay to have your backsplash look stylish and chic, just shop around for sales, overstock items, or stick with a classic look that's bound to stay timeless and not lose value over time.

Anne Reagan is the editor-in-chief of Porch.com, where she is responsible for creating original content aimed at educating homeowners about the various aspects of home ownership and improvement.
Photo credit: Shearer Painting
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