Snowmen Fall From Heaven… Unassembled. ~Author Unknown

My dad has lived in Tennessee for the past too many years.  I miss him.

We vacation together, email and argue, debate talk on the phone, but it’s not nearly enough.

I had him  fascinated with Facebook, but he didn’t last long and has since deleted his account…claiming it’s too personal and telling.

He won’t tolerate texting, he thinks it’s too impersonal.

Yahoo is his snail mail of technology.  I read his email this week; he described the six plus inches of snow falling fast and furiously in his front yard.

Living in Tennessee, that is not a common sight and THAT in itself made the ‘storm’ even more striking.

Strikingly beautiful.

Dad reminisced about how he missed the snow he had seen living in NYS for nearly his entire life. He touched my heart when he shared his memories of watching us kids fight play in that white wonderland.   (P.S. Note the girl with the plastic bag-covered cast)

photo courtesy of Google Images

Growing up, we spent hours overbundled…building snowmen, forts, and memories.

I still live in the state where I was born and raised, seasonal New York. It IS beautiful.

I have it all, right in my backyard.  Take a look…

Get outside today!  Build a snowman.  Make some memories that will stay with you longer than the snow on the ground in Tennessee.

When you get back home,  appreciate that too.

Snowmen melt away.  Memories stay frozen in time.

About tuesday2

My husband tells me I talk too much. I tell him that I have a lot to say. Here’s the solution… Welcome to my blog!
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4 Responses to Snowmen Fall From Heaven… Unassembled. ~Author Unknown

  1. Dad says:

    I would love to move back close to you girls. I miss you terrible. I miss you shoveling off my car with a snow shovel(not really, but I continue to cherish those memories). People can take away things from us, but they can never take away our pleasant memories or education. I thank the Lord for that. I do not miss NYS(high cost of living,two seasons—-summer; which is usually one week and winter). Even with that, I would move back in an instant. We have been looking for a house swap in PA, CAROLINA’s and yes even NYS(same or less in value as our house). If you find one, we will be back as fast as night changes to day.

    LOVE YA,

  2. donna striley says:

    Snow memories? I remember Dad freaking out because I had gone to a basketball tournament in Windsor with my friend (Anita) during a snow storm. He worried/worries too much. Or maybe just enough. It really was not safe to be out that night. But we were 17 and we knew everything then.

  3. reenie says:

    hahahahha – from a parents perspective and a now converted 17 year old ( aka 44 year old….) love you guys !!!!!

  4. Pingback: Inviting the Snowman Inside. | Tuesday2's Blog

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