Book Giveaway For Chatoyant (Harmony Run #3)

  • Chatoyant by Sarah Elle Emm
    Chatoyant (Harmony Run #3)

    Release date: Sep 17, 2014
    Enter to win one of two copies of HARMONY RUN SERIES, Book 3, Chatoyant...

    In the wake of an interrogation led by the UZTA's dictator, President Nicks,
    In the wake of an interrogation led by the UZTA's dictator, President Nicks, Rain Hawkins and her friends must deal with the consequences of their def ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 2 copies available, 351 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Nov 23 - Dec 02, 2017

    Countries available: United States and United States

  • 5354926
    Sarah Elle Emm is the author of ABSENCE OF YOU, LAST VACATION, the HARMONY RUN SERIES: (PRISMATIC, OPALESCENT, CHATOYANT, NACREOUS), and MARRYING MISSY. She has lived in Germany, England, Mexico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and traveled extensively beyond. Her writing cave is exactly where she wants it to be, in a century-old home near Indianapolis. When she's not leading kitchen dance parties with h ...more
    More about Sarah Elle Emm...


    Anthonia, Lynne Moody

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