Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

Flexibility May 12, 2015

Today was day were flexibility was needed.  And I don’t mean flexibility like a gymnast.  I mean flexibility of the mind and spirit.  Sometimes plans are made and they don’t come to fruition.  How do you respond and feel? I’ve had to work be flexible.   It was not always in my nature.  A plan would change and I’d be thrown.  I didn’t go with the flow, I’d melt down.  Having to recalibrate didn’t come easily to me.  I could have an entire day thrown even by the smallest of monkey wrenches.  And then I chose a career that required flexibility, acting.  To not make plans until the day of and even then it may even change moments before an audition.  Being and actor meant that your agent would call regarding your next day up until 6ish the day before and you might even get a call the day of.  And if you wanted the job you’d say,”Yes Please!” or ” Of course I can change my plans!”.  Flexibility became an art.  Learning to be able to move forward and go on the fly meant I had a better chance of getting the job. And I did.


This ultimately helped me in all areas of my life.  Let’s say friends couldn’t make dinner or plans simply changed it became my responsibility to find the opportunity in the situation and not the obstacle.  Knowing that I am the sole proprietor over my feelings and responses is incredibly liberating.  I know for me I’d rather live in the moment and not get caught up in the drama (Now what am I going to do!!), victimization (Ohhh this will make it so hard) or blame (If they had only called me sooner!) of it all.  By not buying into the finger pointing I’m given the opportunity to stay at ease.  Which is were I chose to live.  That place of Universal flow.  Because you never know what gift might come along by letting go of the stress.


So how flexible are you?  Where might you be able to let the blame go so that you have more room for the good stuff?


Happy Spring!



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