The major hurdle in any language teaching and learning is the approach used. The approach to teach and learn any language makes a world of difference to the person teaching it and to the person learning it.

When the approach used incorporates materials that contain a body of objective facts presented logically to teach and learn a language, it will definitely yield the vital results of language proficiency and usage among learners over a period of time.

Those materials containing a body of objective facts presented logically to teach and learn a language must not include fun in teaching as well as learning, telling stories, strumming guitars, singing songs and dancing. One cannot teach or learn any language in the world in a playful manner.

Those materials containing a body of objective facts presented logically to teach and learn a language must include its grammar, vocabulary, sentence structures, sentence-building, summary, reading, essay writing, letter writing and comprehension. To teach or learn such materials demands a teacher’s or a learner’s serious commitment on a prolonged basis.

Interest and motivation to learn that particular language that contains a body of objective facts presented logically will be aroused in the learners and that same interest and motivation will sustain the learners’ willingness to study the language further.

When countless approaches used to teach and learn English don’t give the necessary results in proficiency and usage among students for decades, then those approaches should be abandoned altogether as they have failed to sustain the willingness of students to learn English over a period of time. Naturally, the rot sets in and repels learners to continue learning English. Then, these learners will fear learning the English language altogether.

The true substance of English teaching and learning is its logical presentation of materials based on the solid foundation of grammar. The mastery and usage of English grammar related to its sentence structures as well as sentence-building sets the stage for further work incorporating its summary, essay writing and letter writing which are essential items for a learner in his adult life.

It is also a FACT that some races around the world will not have the ability to learn English at all but these same races of people display a lot of ability to learn other languages besides English. Wouldn’t a sane, sensible and thinking person then conclude that some races around the world are just not suited to learn the English language?

Consider the fact that some members of these races, who don’t have the ability to learn English, become teachers of the English language. Wouldn’t English teaching and learning become A HORRIBLE AND TERRIBLE AFFAIR? The standard of English can NEVER improve.

Some races of people around the world are not suited to teach and learn English.

Published by LOGOS English Services

I teach English using the Structural Approach. The English Language programmes are suitable for students and adults who are serious to understand how the language really works. The Structural Approach is based on the study of grammar. A learner who learns English using the Structural Approach will get the right results. He will enhance his thinking skills to analyse and synthesise sentences correctly. Without this knowledge, it will be very difficult for one to gain proficiency in the English language. The study of syntax plays a prominent role as the arrangement of words in the English language has its own uniqueness separate from other languages. Think about it. Would you want to learn a language in a haphazard manner or in a methodical manner? There is a method in whatever we do. Always proceed from the simple to the complex. For that reason, a learner must attempt many exercises found in the Structural Approach to be proficient in the English language.

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