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give hope. build others up 

Friday e-devotion

Acts 20:32  NLT
And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.
Several years ago I heard a pastor introduce himself as a “broker of hope”.  That hit home for me, and this is something that I strive to be every day.  It applies to my family where hope needs to be the strongest and be contagious.  It applies to our church where we are to give hope to those we encounter.  It applies to any body we meet.
This week I have found myself in front of some people who were really down on themselves.  Obviously they have little or no self worth which I believe is a long way from the truth.
God made you, and that gives you value and worth.  To ascribe worth to something is to inspire hope in the one you give worth to.  Does that make sense to you?
My kids need to hear from me that they can excel and can step higher.  This comes in positive words and reinforcement of what they have heard from God.  In fact it is better that I quote God and godly people than to quote what the world wants them to hear.
Some people won’t get this.  A person takes their foolish decisions to decide that their value is at zero or lost.  We have to remind others and ourselves that our past and our decisions do not define us.
Take some time to give others hope.  Coach them up.  Build up those you come in contact with.  Let others build you.  Be open enough to receive hope.  We must be hope givers and hope receivers just like Jesus was.  Jesus coached his disciples to know truth and to hold it tight.  That is why within 40 years of Jesus’ departure of earth that the entire known world heard about the good news.
“A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”Tom Landry
You are someone.  You are an important someone.  You are a child of God and full of real hope.  Now, give that to someone else.
People I am praying for:
Pray for Phil Campbell’s mom as she continues to have health problems.  Pray for Sarah Phene’s dad who is in the hospital.  Pray for the winter / warming center in Martinsville and for more overnight volunteers.  Pray for Angie, Joe and Isaac McKissick as John’s funeral is Saturday at 2pm at Norris (visitation is tonight).

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