Today's Rant: 'Medical Police State' on Australia's doorstep

Personal note: I have respect for a great many people who, due to their honesty and integrity are not included in the following observations, yet when it comes to public servants, doctors and just people in general it is apparent that what follows, is unfortunately accurate for the many.


With the 'Doctors in Secondary Schools Initiative'[1] the Victorian government is helping the 'Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex' (PIC) implement further measures to secure a monopoly on the minds and bodies of the masses - this time targeting the young and impressionable to try and circumvent the freedoms of caring and well educated parents.

We can venture into corporate greed, quack science and the coercive policies of corporate controlled government at a later date.

What really needs to be addressed are the measures being progressively placed to further control the population and remove any dwindling freedoms that we may actually have.

In this case, outlined in an article by Tracey Watson at, the Victorian government has “mandated that children should see a doctor at least once a week to receive drugs and medical treatment without parental consent”[2]

One can’t help thinking that, although the PIC has more than enough profit from, and control of, the mainstream masses, it’s narcissistic ego will not be satisfied with less than complete and utter domination.

This agenda is well on its way to completion. If we look at some of the steps so far, we may get a glimpse of their final objectives.

The poor

There are vulnerable parts of society that we can say are dependent on every dollar, just to survive - paying rent, feeding the family and so on. Historically, this is the section of society that is targeted first in ‘western’ countries to test, when implementing the overarching agendas that they are all bound to.

An underlying example of this, and probably one of the least examined, is that the government creates a type of monopoly by supporting the pharmaceutically controlled allopaths, with bulk billing, medicare rebates, drug rebates, government policy and its propaganda - making this kind of ‘health care’ by far the most affordable, whilst effectively removing the option for the less wealthy to access any other alternative.

In Australia, the governments ‘no jab no pay’ policy is forcing many poorer families who were exercising their right to informed consent and medical freedom to the point of sacrificing their children’s health at the pharmaceutical alter, so that they can continue to survive.

The PIC aligned Prime Minister is now pushing to ban unvaccinated children from child care, further pressuring parents to follow these agendas.

From the Australian:

“The Prime Minister said all parents deserved to know their children were safe when they dropped them off at daycare or preschool.”[3]

I am guessing the PM is not taking into consideration that the system is indeed the greatest threat to all.

The young and defenceless

The western history of Australia has demonstrated that it is no different from the United States, if anything, just with less rights.

In the US there are ever increasing examples of the education and child care systems targeting families, using coercion and propaganda to effectively force children into medical intervention.

Children have been removed from homes under false pretences and put into this corrupt system, with these agencies being protected through either red tape or a controlled legal system.

Australia also has these examples, which, due to the almost completely system controlled media, do not see the light of day or the eye of the public. One example is that of Chase Walker-Steven who shortly after birth was adversely effected by pharmaceuticals and developing Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. Lovingly cared for by his parents and family Chase has showed dramatic improvements using natural alternatives and now has been effectively kidnapped by the state on May 19 and the parents have not been able to see Chase.[4]

If people are apathetic and believe that if they follow the system to get along that they will be left alone, then they are well advised to think again.

This move to put what have effectively become pharmaceutical dispensaries and propaganda pigs (commonly known as MDs) into the school system in Victoria is just another vector for control.


Logical progression gives us the highest probability of this agenda being - the removal of any parental rights that are still in existence, in the not to distant future.

Apathy and scientific ignorance in the general population has led to this reality being just a law or two a way.

All too common is the the mindset created by the last 100-150 years of indoctrination into the school of ‘no thinking’. The deliberate and successful dumbing down of the general population to obey has been very successful.

In Australia the law is biased to this kind of abuse. Basically, if a child is viewed to be ‘competent’ in make decisions, they can without any notice to the parent or guardian. Putting the pharmaceutical industry and it’s minions into a position of control with, in the case of medical interventions such as vaccination, no impunity and without risk of consequences for their actions.

This from a Kirraley Bowles article at

“In general, once a child attains the age of 18 years, they are considered to be a fully competent and autonomous individual. However, in Australia, there exists legislative provisions and common law principles that recognise the developing competency of adolescents to make decisions regarding their own medical treatment. As a result, parents and their teenage children in this country hold concurrent rights to consent to the child's treatment.”
“In circumstances where the legal position on consent to treatment is unclear, or in a situation where the wishes of parents, the child and medical practitioners conflict, the court's guardianship jurisdiction may be invoked to resolve any confusion or dispute. The court will then make its decision based upon the best interests of the child.”[5]

The agendas that have been put into place over the last century or so that control governments and their policies are complex and we will do our best to outline those in future articles. Whilst this particular part of those agendas is comparatively small, it is of utmost importance that people become aware of the underlying reasons for it.

Whilst people seem to have forgotten Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s observation that “The best slave is the one who thinks he is free”, I would venture a guess and say that the PIC controlled government hasn’t, and it knows that this has left a great percentage of the populace oblivious to the reality of things, and vulnerable.


Postcript: A journey down the hypothetical road that we are on (a creative writing piece on today's subject):

Out of the kindness of their hearts the government has made a medical doctor available at Billy’s school each week. Little Billy is now 12 years old. He has progressed as a 'normal' child and would be viewed as 'capable' of making an informed decision based on his 5 minute talk with the doctor visiting his school. Billy’s parents have been dutifully abiding their doctors recommendations and keeping Billy up to date with the vaccine schedule. In the case of the HPV vaccination, Billy’s parents have done extensive research on the facts about this particular vaccine, and due to the high number of deaths and adverse reactions to test subjects in HPV testing and following its approval, compared to the deaths from the 4 out of 100 strains of HPV that are actually in the vaccine, they believe that, for the moment the risks of serious injury, sterility and death far out-way the benefits and have decided to delay that particular vaccine. Unbeknownst to the parents the schools appointed doctor has decided to push the HPV vaccination this week and when Billy says that he does not want the vaccination, he is cornered and told that if he does not get this vaccine he will get cancer and die (don't laugh - it has happened). Billy starts to have doubts due to this pressure from someone who is meant to know what is best medically and he eventually gives in and gets the vaccine as he does not want to die from cancer. Billy collapses and later in hospital he dies. The parents find out that Billy 'consented' to this medical intervention and now have a dead child and are unable to hold anyone accountable, and will live with this knowing that someone else decided the fate of the child that they brought into the world and cared for everyday for the 12 years that Billy lived.

Lucky that was just a hypothetical I guess? Until next time ...






Image derived from these images: 1, 2

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Nexus Magazine or its staff.


By Steven Bartlett
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