Dropping any Routine and Learning to be Revived by Touching the Lord in the Morning

Touching Jesus is all that really matters. And your life will never be the same. I would like to talk share about my experience of being revived by the Lord day by day. For many years, I would only felt really “revived” after going to a big conference or hearing a living message. But this “feeling” of buoyancy only lasted for a few days, and then I would be back to my old self, waking up late and just brushing through the morning revival.

As I was musing over this matter, I was reminded of a line from a hymn: “Touching Jesus is all that really matters. And your life will never be the same.” Touching Jesus. That’s the key. When we touch Jesus, we are instantly revived. Christ Himself is the real revival.

Psalm 80:18-19 says,

Then we will not turn back from You. / Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.
O Jehovah God of hosts, restore us; / Cause Your face to shine, and we will be saved.

In these verses, revival is linked to calling on the name of the Lord. When we call on the Lord with a turned heart, we will be revived. The secret is having a turned heart and an open spirit.

Sometimes when I call on the Lord, I call in a routine way, from my soul. Outwardly, I’m “calling” on the Lord with my mouth, but in my heart, I’m not focused on the Lord. This is not real calling and this will not revive us.

However, when we open our heart and our spirit to the Lord and then call on His name, we will sense His sweet presence. Our whole being – spirit, soul, and body – must be focused on the Lord; then we will receive and enjoy the person we are calling.

Saints, I believe this is the real secret to getting revived every day. We must spend some time every morning turning our heart to the Lord.

We all know the verse in 2 Cor. 3:16, “But whenever the heart turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” But do you know what the next verse talks about? Verse 17 says “And the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

What happens when we turn our heart to the Lord and the veil is lifted? We can touch the Lord, who is the Spirit in us! This will really revive us!

Being Revived by Touching the Lord

We need to view our morning time as an intimate conversation with our Lord. Then we will have the proper attitude in coming to Him in the morning, not to get something done, but just to enjoy Him.Saints, this has really been my experience. Recently, a brother spoke a word about dropping our routine of reading the morning revival booklet and being revived by touching the Lord. This inspired me to change my practice of morning revival.

I used to “call” on the Lord routinely in the morning, just to “rev” my spirit up, but not really touching the Lord. Now, I exercise to turn my heart to the Lord first, by opening to Him, asking Him to cleanse me, and praying to be filled with Him. Then when I call on the Lord, He becomes much more real to me.

I also try to get into the Word in the morning, not in the way of studying with my mind but using the verses to touch the Lord. We need to forget about our old way of pray-reading and re-learn how to pray-read the Word.

Pray-reading is not a form that we follow, but it should be a living and dynamic way to contact God by using His Word. So now, instead of just repeating sections of the verse with a loud voice, I practice musing and chewing on the words.

I cannot tell you how this is done because it is not a method, but when you do it, the Word becomes so living and so enjoyable. It is similar to having a conversation with someone.

When you talk to someone, do you simply memorize everything you want to say and regurgitate that script back to the person? No, a real conversation is a back-and-forth, where you say something and the other person responds. It is living and dynamic.

It is the same way with the Lord. We do not want to simply say a few, prepared words to the Lord and leave. We need to linger in His presence, enjoying the Word with Him.

Not only are we speaking to Him, but He has an opportunity to speak to us, through His Word. We need to view our morning time as an intimate conversation with our Lord. Then we will have the proper attitude in coming to Him in the morning, not to get something done, but just to enjoy Him.

Sharing by brother Daniel D. (USA) from his experience of being revived by the Lord in the morning.

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