
The Top 20 Posts on Moving People to Action 2013-2014

Title Views
17 Daily personal habits for a fulfilling life – my earliest “went viral” post;  this was a long reflection on the first 35 years of my life 16,719
Three Examples of Ice-Breaker Speeches – simple – three ways to introduce yourself 14,257
Amazon Staff Meetings: “No Powerpoint” – Jeff Bezos doesn’t like powerpoint – easy for presenter, hard for audience 13,822
“Be water, my friend” Bruce Lee – what did Bruce mean? 8,698
Geert Hofstede: the 6 Dimensions of National Culture – why are Germans, French, Swiss, Americans and Chinese different? 7,032
10 Commandments for Business Development from Goldman Sachs – clear, direct and simple.  5,785
10 Personal Habits of Resilient People – what makes a mentally strong person? 4,252
If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t. – a classic poem 4,239
A 9 Step Cheatsheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert – new on the top 20, infographic 4,068
The Top 10 TED Talks of All Time – what’s good on TED?  you must watch at least these 10. 3,390
Emotional Manipulators: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing – charismatic but using you? how to know. 3,111
How to video yourself speaking – webcam is single most valuable tool in improving your oral communication 2,486
Exercise: How to Start a Speech – videos and a question: how should you start a good speech? 2,331
12 Tips for Public Speaking – simple, but effective, tips 2,020
14 Things Highly Productive People Do Differently – get more good stuff done 1,929
Sun-Tzu’s 5 Factors for Victory and 5 Attributes of a Leader – Ancient Chinese wisdom applied to today’s challenges 1,909
The Speech Act Theory of JL Austin – How to move people with words 1,835
Announcing Jedi Productivity Blog Series: 11 Steps to Stop Procrastinating and Get Important Stuff Done – Productivity series 1,632
Leading Teams: The 5 Styles of Managing People – There are at least 5 basic styles of leading individuals 1,489
TED Education: What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion – TED-Ed video lesson 1,461

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