3 things no.1! || carob, pet dressing & Elizabeth Taylor

So we are going to play a weekly game called 3 things.

3 things will be 3 things (surprised?) that I have learnt recently. Actually, “Learnt” could be a misleading term. We could say they are more like a “random thought” that’s ended up as some sort of “realisation”.

Confused? Me too but read on. These posts are going to be great (insert hopeful smile here) because – well, to be frank – it’s so time-consuming writing a full post in between designing and all the goings on in bringing you our gorgeous pieces – so this is a great cheats post. Yes, I’m calling myself out – I’m a cheat. But also because these are my honest to goodness random thoughts and I am hopeful they will sound less weird if I share them with someone (i.e., you). And then if you can relate, I will feel less like I should be the headlining act in a circus and/or seeking medical help. So do leave a comment if you can relate!

So here goes.

3 things I learnt/realised/randomly thought about this week.

#1 That carob is not chocolate. And it should be illegal to suggest it an appropriate substitution. Especially at Easter.

F off Carob.

The Banjo Carob Egg. Guilty as charged.

The Banjo Carob Egg. Guilty as charged.

#2 Still on the Easter theme…

Why do people insist on terrorising their pets by dressing them as the easter bunny?

easterbunnydog easterdog2 easterdog3

#3 And something totally non-easter related…

If Elizabeth Taylor taught me one thing, it’s that it doesn’t matter how many husbands you have, none of them will be much good.

Elizabeth on her 8th Wedding Day. Good on her for giving it a crack.

Elizabeth on her 8th Wedding Day. Good on her for giving it a crack.

So there you go. My 3 things for this week. Whatchya reckon? Oh and happy {carob-free} Easter people!

x anna

1 thought on “3 things no.1! || carob, pet dressing & Elizabeth Taylor

  1. Pingback: 3 things || no.2! | the sorella-hood

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