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You'll Be Able To Travel Anywhere In Canada For $150 This Summer

Pack your bags!

Canada is celebrating it's 150th birthday this year and VIA Rail just made it all the more exciting. Everyone loves to travel but the cost of it all can sometimes be too much, especially when you're looking to make it across Canada.

Well look no further because for the whole month of July VIA will let you travel as far and wide as you want for only $150! Yes, you read that right, only $150 for a whole cross country trip. The Canada 150 Pass is for youth travellers and it will grant you unlimited travel for a whole month this summer.

Although the pass can only be used for economy class travel, you can get from Ontario to British Columbia for the trip of a lifetime! If you're between the ages of 12 and 25, you qualify for this special promotion. Now is the time to go and see our home and native land.

You can purchase the passes online right now! Grab your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend or go alone...this summer is meant for adventure!

Wondering how to take advantage of this insane opportunity? If you're a broke student looking for an affordable summer vacation, consider visiting these 20 insane travel locations you need to explore if you're young, broke, and restless.

 If you're looking for a more unique vacation, check out the 12 most underrated places to explore in Canada. If you're hoping for a an utterly transformative trip that will change you forever, try one of these 15 life changing trips you must go on in Canada.

 If you can't get a lot of time off work and want to keep it local, go for the 10 most amazing travel destinations in Ontario.

Find out more here.

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