SyoSoft info & developer's blog

Updates… Including AviSynth filters!!

After saying it would get done for a very long time, I finally sat down and fixed the errors in both of my AviSynth filters: TimeFrameConvert & SampleFilter.

This update corrects all errors in the conversion functions and increases their precision. It also expands the versatility of text input methods. The documentation and project pages haven’t been updated yet, usage instructions are basically identical. The links haven’t been updated either. To get the updated versions visit our SkyDrive.

This is actually the 4th time I do this. The 3 previous attempts were foiled by system failiures before the updated versions could be posted. Unfortunately, those previous updates were alot more expansive than this one. I really wanted to ensure a proper, error free version of both filters was available before going any further on the projects.

Along with the project updates, we have a new Facebook page as well. Visit it using the sidebar on the right. More on the way soon…

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