Day six of Gold Coast Schoolies 2014

Police were generally happy with the behaviour of the vast majority of school leavers on day six of schoolies on the Gold Coast.

Overnight there were 18 schoolies charged with 23 offences relating mainly to public nuisance and street offences with 16 schoolies given liquor infringement notices for drinking in a public place.

Of those 18 schoolies arrested 14 were males and four were female.

Also overnight 19 people were arrested on 26 charges which were not schoolies related and were mainly for public nuisance and drug offences. There were also seven non schoolies who were given liquor infringement notices

Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.

Crime Stoppers is a registered charity and community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.

For all non-urgent police reporting or general police inquiries contact Policelink on 131 444 or 24hrs a day.

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