Happy New Month of March!


Welcome to March, the month that was once the first month of the year; the real beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the full beam of Pisces!
The Pisces domain is known for the cosmic urge for letting go of society/ego needs and going back to the Source!

March is packed full with religious, national and global anniversaries and observances including the March 8, United Nations International Women’s Day, (IWD), also called International Working Women’s Day.

The magical energy of the month is underlined by its birthstones: Aquamarine and Bloodstone! Aquamarine popularly called “water of the sea” is a blue variety of beryl widely used as a powerful meditation stone. Worn as a necklace, it is said to have a calming effect on the nerves, bring peace, serenity and healing!Bloodstone (also called heliotrope) is no less exciting; the symbol of Justice, it derives its name from the distinctive blood-red spots set in green!
A legend has it that the gem stone was formed when the blood of Christ dripped on the grass and solidified! Legends aside, bloodstone’s vibrations and metaphysical properties are said to inspire deep sense of spiritual tenacity, courage and confidence to face challenges; a choice amulet for protection against dangerous situations and the “evil eye”!

March’s birth flower is daffodil, the queen of bouquets, the “Lent Lily” and symbol of rebirth, new beginnings and spring! The Chinese see daffodil as a symbol of wealth and good fortune while many cancer research organizations adopt it as their fundraising symbol!

Happy birthday to our March Children! May your respective birthdays usher more blessings, peace and love in your lives!

Happy new month to everyone! Let us share excerpts from the evergreen “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” popularly known as “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth:

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.





Photo credit: http://www.kaooriginal.com & https://www.facebook.com/share.purple.flowers

11 thoughts on “Happy New Month of March!

  1. Happy Spring! We still had a stunning “Summer’s” day in Sydney although a storm came through this afternoon just to remind us that Summer doesn’t last forever. There’s still quite a whirly wind out there and droplets of rain and it all sounds a bit spooky. Might let the dogs sleep inside tonight.


  2. Thank you for liking “Hello Spring!” and “Spring Equinox.” I enjoyed reading this post about March. It is very informative, and I also like how it ends with Wordsworth’s wonderful “Daffodils” poem. :)


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