Day 20: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

winnersQuestions of the day: Are you pursuing a life of excellence or settling for a life of mediocrity? Do you want kick ass results in your life? Are you ready to take quantum leaps to get to your goals? Are you willing and committed to deploy your resources in pursuit of your purpose? Are you surrounding yourself with the right role models, mentors and coaches in your bid to soar and be the best version of you possible?

WWN Reflection DAY 20: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

Sometimes we forget that we are never alone and we do not have to go the distance all by ourselves. We are blessed with the unique ability of ASKING and also RECEIVING. There are always resources around us that we can tap into. The universe is always in flow, and if we surrender and flow with it, we would be amazed at the synchronicity and abundance it offers. Great leaders know how and when to resource for the ‘fuel’ they need.

In the world of sports, is acknowledged that hardly anyone ever made it to the play-offs or olympics alone, without a support system made of family, friends, mentors, role models and coaches. Our dreams and goals have ripple effect on those around us. As we live our purpose, we inspire and empower others to do the same. It is our responsibility to reach out and ask for help in order to harness our skills, develop our abilities and polish our unique talents. Do you have positive and empowering role models/mentors/coaches in all areas of your life?

Ask for help Imagine for a moment, that your life journey is the major olympics and you only have just one shot at it. Do you have a solid team behind you? Is your supper system firmly in place or are you carrying around the baggage of naysayers, who pull you down and kill your dreams with their thoughts, words, attitude, actions, inactions? Remember, anyone who does not add value or move you in the direction of your purpose serves no purpose in your life.

The paradox is that we are all intrinsicly connected and so, everyone you encounter has a purpose in your life. The key to unlocking their role lies in your hands. The more you become aware of who you are and what your purpose is, the more you become empowered in how you exchange energy and value with everyone around you.

You have the power to co-create what you need/want, the mystery is in surrendering and allowing life to happen, opening up your hearts and minds to your creators design for you, asking the right questions, courageously taking consistent action inspire of your fears, aligning what you are doing with who you are being and asking for help, inspiration and guidance from God and seeing his glory in everything and everyone around you!

Here are 7 reasons why you may consider getting role models/mentors/coaches:

1. Monkey see, monkey do! The more you model excellent behaviour, the more you begin to live a life of excellence! We are innately programmed to model and co-habit with others, the choice then becomes simply modelling the right behaviour, traits and values that you aspire towards.

learn and teach2. All learning, change and behaviour occurs at an unconscious level. There may be a myriad of things holding us from reaching our full potentials; limiting beliefs, glass ceilings/floors, Pandora box of negative emotions, culture, education, environment etc. Most often, they are outside of our conscious awareness and we need someone who really sees and believes our inner magnificence, is professional trained on the right modalities and strategies, and who can commit to our transformation, even when we are yet to commit and believe in ourselves.

3. Most human goals are achievable simply by following certain simple principles. For example, to lose weight and be healthy, all you really need to do are 3 major things: Eat healthy, Exercise regularly and Rest properly.  Another example, to have financial well-ness, you basically need to leave within your means, save and invest well.

Nearly everything else is a variation of these basic tripods. Yet, the irony is that what is simple is never quite easy. Hence the alarming rate of obesity and debt levels worldwide! The obvious common-sense principles are never quite common-sense practice because of the human factor a.k.a ‘Disciplined Habits’. We often need coaches to get us and keep us on track with our goals. They create an accountability system and enable us take action towards our results.

mentoring4. Role models show us that it is possible and they lead by example. They are not perfect, they simply choose to triumph by accepting their imperfections, they share their truth and show us how to live with authenticity and integrity.

Mentors share their years of experience, including their successes and failures. They share principles that we may adopt and adapt. Of what use is re-inventing the wheel, when we can build upon what has been established? Why suffer to build new tracks, when existing pathways are already laid out for us?

Coaches act as tour guides in our journey of life. They ask the questions that hopefully lead you to your answers in finding your unique truth. They enable us explore and expand our model of the world and to communicate and live our truth. They open up our senses and create a sense of awareness in us about the different parts that are in conflict within us, that is, parts that are not congruent. They introduce us to and equip us with the necessary tools in order to align our most unconscious programs and values with who we really are.

confidence5. Sometimes, different events in our life phases can lead to a feeling of being stuck, burnt out, stressed out and/or depressed. Human beings often resist change and fall into the trap of the imaginary ‘comfort zone’. This can be likened to sitting on the fence, going neither here nor there. It is living life in the grey zone, seeming taking action but getting to no-where land!

Events such as child-birth, change of job, location change (immigration), severe financial stress, death, marriage, divorce, job loss, rape, assault, or illness are examples of changes that may disrupt our sense of direction or purpose. Notice that even though some of these changes may be happy events, if the changes that follow are not properly handled or adapted to, they may lead to minor or major negative states or conditions. At these critical periods, the value of a great coach is often priceless.

control6. Every human being is unique, with special strengths, abilities, talents, skills and approach to life. The whole point is not to play the compare and contrast game with others. Coaches are able to elicit what is fundamentally original about you. They help you discover hidden/forgotten strengths. It is a dynamic process and not a prescriptive one based on recommendations. The journey is different for everyone. The answers are already within you.

In essence, coaches shift your focus from a defeatist attitude of looking at the grass over the fence and thinking it greener to looking inwards to your own garden and spending all your resources sowing, weeding, nurturing and harvesting your own fruits. It is the whole journey and not simply the harvesting that creates the transformation.

7. Change is permanent. We are always in flux. We live in a world that is constantly evolving. New technologies, regulations, opportunities are always emerging. The world is now a marketplace filled with information overload. Everything is almost a ‘google-click-away!’ We are always changing, growing and transforming. Like layers of an onion, each day we acquire new knowledge, awareness and insights. As we adapt to the changes within and outside of us, sometimes, things may become overwhelming and processing the conflicting information directed at our senses may lead to feelings of being trapped and stripped of choices.

Great coaches look way beyond the surface structure of your words and behaviours. They are able to draw a distinction between who you are and your behaviour. A coach’s role is to elicit deeper questions to uncover multiple options and choices available to us. They also install new strategies to drive the new behaviours that will lead to better habits in our pursuit for excellence.

FutureThey engage, educate and empower us to achieve the results we seek. Coaches are caring of our dreams and totally uncaring of our excuses! They see our magnificence and have no interest in our game of pretence! So are you willing and ready to transform your life OR are you pretending to want to transform your life? Coaches calibrate on your behaviour. Talk is cheap, ACTION speaks, and eloquently too!

Great coaches re-focus us to be at cause and take ownership of our responses and outcomes, rather than being at effect and stuck in the vicious patterns of excuses, blaming and complaining! A coach opens us up to the inherent creative source within us. Do you want to take a shot at the great olympics called life? Do you want results and not reasons? Are you tired of getting by and you wish to soar? Then, take a chance and bet on your dreams, hire a great coach today and lead yourself to a life of excellence! Once you’ve been gifted with the blessings of having great role models, mentors and coaches, remember the laws of gratitude and reciprocity, pay it forward and shine/share your light and learnings with someone else.

Note: WWN offers 1-hour complimentary coaching sessions to 3 lucky individuals every Monday, between 11.30 am to 2.30 pm EST. Simply send an email with your name, location and telephone number to Requests are on a first come basis.

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-Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido, MBA

Poet | Master-Certified Leadership Coach-Trainer -Consultant|

~Take empowered ACTION towards a Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier YOU!~


Blogger Bio:

FB PIC High RezThe preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Co-Founder and Executive Director at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming books: “UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership”  and “Today, I Will Not Bow”.  A self-described Life-Connoisseur, who loves life and the whole human experience, Juliet was nicknamed a ‘reminderist’,  [one who reminds us of that which we already know; that we are not fractured or broken and NOW is the perfect time to replace that fallacy with a new, beautiful truth: we are worthy, empowered, complete, whole creatures and our life journey is to return to wholeness]!

Her message is simply: “To use the power of written-spoken-sung WORDS to connect, heal, empower, change and transform our inner and outer worlds. Words have power in the meaning and interpretation we choose to give them and all of life is synchronistic poetry in motion! Are you telling empowering stories about yourself and others?” 

She is a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership, Investment & Financial Literacy for women and youth (especially girls). Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women, regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc. Enjoy some of her portfolio of poems on her Floetry Blog and follow her daily reflective posts on Facebook.

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2 thoughts on “Day 20: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

  1. Pingback: 30-Day Reflections: Take empowered ACTION and Transform Your Life! | Whole Woman Network

  2. ‘shift your focus from a defeatist attitude of looking at the grass over the fence and thinking it greener to looking inwards to your own garden and spending all your resources sowing, weeding, nurturing and harvesting your own fruits…’
    Amazing words! Thanks for sharing.


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