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Product Review: Babiators Rocket Pack and Submariners Goggles

The makers of the totally cool kid sunglasses”The Babiator” (Aviators for babes), have now released some new top quality products including the Rocket Pack backpack and the Submariners Swim Goggles.  I was more than happy to try them out and let you know how they hold up.  Let’s start with the backpack.

rocketpackThe first thing I noticed was the quality – the fabric is durable and and the zipper is well made –  they clearly can take A LOT of abuse. There are pockets and straps for holding all kinds of goodies.  The Rocket Pack comes in 3 styles: blue, pink, and gray camo and are meant for ages 2-6 years.  I have a 2.5 year old and a 5 year old so I tried it out with both kids.

Max Backpack

Didn’t have to worry about the backpack going overboard on the ferry to Governor’s Island!

My 5 year old Max likes to take a sketch book and some colored pencils when we go on adventures, so he carried the backpack on a recent trip to Governor’s Island.  It has a strap that clicks in the front which I loved, because I didn’t have to worry that he was going to leave it behind, have it fall off during our bike ride, or drop it off the side of the ferry.  He also appreciated that feature for the snug fit, but found it difficult (although not impossible) to open the fastener on his own.

Mom and Max Backpack

Perfect backpack for our biking adventure on Governor’s Island!

My younger son Sam tried it out one day at the playground and enjoyed feeling like a big kid with a backpack on. Its best use is if your child likes to bring their favorite toys everywhere they go. It’s a really fun way to make them feel more independent and if you let them carry their own snacks, maybe you can avoid the layer of pretzel and goldfish crumbs in your bag! The backpacks are on the small side and would work for a preschool bag if you don’t need to fit a whole lot.


Ok, now for the Submarine Goggles – these are the bomb!  My kids are little fish and the only thing that gets my older son out of the water is when his eyes start to hurt from the chlorine.  We have tried many different pairs and they never seem to keep the water out – until now!  These goggles have a great feature where the eye guards go way up to mid-forehead and they really work.  The strap is easy to adjust and doesn’t pull your hair out with every movement.  They also come in a cool submarine case that can be used as a pool toy! Each time he’s worn them we’ve been asked where we got them. So here are the details:

Go to Babiators to check out their quality products and get 20% off with promo code “achildgrows” if you purchase before September 1st.

Max Goggles2

Marisa Karplus is a Business Development Manager at A Child Grows and rarely pops out from behind the scenes.  She is a Brooklyn mom to two boys Max (5yrs) and Sam (2.5yrs) and hopes that makes her qualified to review the occasional product!