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9News: Union Station reopens, revitalizes surrounding area

For the first time in 18 months, Union Station has re-opened to the public. The building first established in 1881 receive a much needed makeover.

"It's glorious," Arvada resident George Sakett said. "It's gonna put Denver in the 21st century for one of the better transportation hubs."

Sakett likes the mixture of old and new incorporated into the renovations. Union Station now houses a mix of businesses including a new 112-room hotel.

"I think it would be a great place to just come and sit and eat your ice cream or have a drink or whatever and just rest," Aurora resident Jane Richards said. "It's a nice gathering area."

But, what may be nice on the inside, may be having an impact on the outside.

"It brings people in and it's a nice place to visit," Aurora resident Randy Richards said.

It's a big change for an area around Union Station that many considered to be on the wrong side of the tracks.

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