1. Thank you for the warning, Jane. I’ve got to renew my British passport and it was stolen/ went missing during the move from Northislant to South island!

    Goodness knows how I will manage all that kerfuffle. And Happy Easter. I’m still waiting for your new novel. Mine is now out!

  2. It’s dd how you’re automatically expected to have a full history of the family back to Norman times at your fingertips for the Passport Service. If you apply for a passport a little later in life than usual it’s almost a light shining in the eyes grilling as to why you haven’t applied earlier.
    I’m glad yours eventually turned up. I was very disappointed after answering all the questions at the passport office, to actually need my passport to go away and then find as it was in Europe, they don’t even stamp the damn thing so I have no proof I’ve ever been.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  3. Sympathies. Have you ever totted up the time you waste looking for mislaid items? As a waste of life, it figures higher than waiting for late trains, buses or getting lost en route. I could have had three more years of useful life, or more!

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