How The Seven Chakras Influence Our Endocrine System

7 Chakras of life
How The 7 Chakras Influence Our Endocrinal System.

Seven Chakras, Energy Cores

No matter how life started in our universe, ancient knowledge and modern quantum biology agree on this essential principle: matter does not generate mind or consciousness but quite the other way around. Consciousness manifests the physical form or matter. Life is a very personal experience to each one of us. Yet we all share its fundamental building blocks: our core energy centers, called chakras in Sanskrit. The word chakra means wheel or vortex. They are the junction points between matter and the mind, between our body and our consciousness.

[Read: How to balance Root Chakra?]


7 Chakras and the Endocrine System

They are seven main chakras in the human body, intersections of vital forces, swirling, expanding and contracting, as a column of 3D spheres of energy extending, in the middle of our body, from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. Chakras are the master programs running our emotional and physical lives, each one of them expressing different characteristics essentials to our growth and well being. Unsurprisingly, the seven chakras interact with our body through the endocrine system (a seven gland system) which is one of the body’s main control mechanisms. The following description provides more detail about the seven chakras and glands of the human body, their location, and the characteristics they govern:

  1. Crown chakra (Sahasrara, color violet): top of the head, pineal gland, spirituality and divine awareness.
  2. Third eye chakra(Ajna, color indigo): between eyebrows, pituitary gland, intuition.
  3. Throat chakra(Vishuddhi, color blue): throat area, thyroid, communication and self-expression.
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata, color green): heart area, thymus, compassion, love, and healing.
  5. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura, color yellow): navel area, pancreas, self will, self esteem, courage, and personal power.
  6. Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana, color orange): genital area, ovaries, creativity, emotion and sensuality.
  7. Root chakra (Muladhara, color red): base of the spine, gonads, safety and survival, sense of belonging.

 [Read: Pranic Healing through Chakra Colors]


When the flow of the subtle energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, it affects our endocrine system, which produces the hormones that stimulate or inhibit physiological processes. And we may develop physical and mental illnesses. So when we look at it this way, we realize that a change in our consciousness does affect our physical body.

Biostress Imagery can attune, unblock and balance your chakras, providing emotional, physical and spiritual healing which ultimately leads to a stress-free total health. 
