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Accuracy of Palm Readings

Practice of Palmistry Chart

Practice of Palmistry Chart

Image courtesy of

Reading palms is highly regarded as a true way to see into our own futures. Some argue that the palms simply tell the story of where we are at the moment and what we have gone through or accomplished in our lives to this point. I disagree and the reason is because in 1984 I had a Palm Specialist read my palm and he told me that I would be a writer. I laughed at him and said, “I can’t write. I don’t know grammar and English enough to do anything and I have no idea what I would write about.” Fast forward to the year 2004 and I started taking writing classes and for the next two years I spent writing my book. Which you can check out here. As most of you know I have written many many articles. So a good Palm reader can see the future.

The various lines and paths in our palms are viewed as a popular way to gain insight into a person’s life, including your own. It is also believed that each hand tells a different story and that you should read your dominant hand. If you are left-handed, your left hand is dominant and if you are right-handed, your right hand is the dominant hand. Below is a basic key of the major lines in your palm.

Line Key

  • Your life line, in a nutshell the longer the line the longer your life.
  • Your heart line, based on the location where it starts and ends in the row of fingers, it gives clues regarding your love life.
  • Your head line, this line is said to determine information regarding your intellectuality.

There are various other lines in the hands that indicate and signify different things. The ones listed here are the primary lines that everyone typically asks about. Take a look at your palm and attempt to count the series of lines. It is nearly impossible. There are so many, and they seem so complex. Perhaps, they are there for a purpose!

If you have ever had your palm read tell us about it. If you would like more information on this ancient technique call me at (866)-563-3997.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Comments on: "Accuracy of Palm Readings" (7)

  1. Sharon Verrechia said:

    I’ve never had my Palm read. Sounds very interesting. Thank you Billie ❤

  2. I’ve also never had many palm read, its fascinating how your future and life can be imprinted on your body.

    Thanks Cherokee

  3. I had my palm read one time…. The person started out saying I had a beautiful palm, Within less than 30 seconds his smile went away and his face turned into very nervous look. he then broke sweat and told me in a very nervous voice that he was not allowed to read my palm… I asked why and he said it was because I had to learn this all for myself. At that particular moment the day went from every sunny to very cloudy and in that 5 minutes the skies upened up and a tornado touched down quite near us. My friend and I never spoke of that day after that. He would barely speak to me.

  4. I actually had an impromptu palm reading 12 years ago at my job; she expressed her sympathies for the lose of my child, I explained that I had not lost a child, she seemed perplexed. 6 months later my 12 year old son died in a tragic accident.

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