Using Passages to Cultivate Qualities

As part of our ongoing conversation about “giving” resolutions among our community, and after listening to Easwaran's talk on meditation and selfless service, we recently received some great questions from friends regarding passage recommendations for cultivating positive qualities this coming year.

At Blog HQ, we are all meditating on “Prayer for Peace” by Hazrat Inayat Khan and wanted to share it among the blog community. One line that stands out is in the second stanza, “Send us Thy peace, O Lord, that we may think, act, and speak harmoniously.” We are intrigued by the challenge to align our thoughts, words, and actions in kindness and harmony. What a worthy challenge!

There are over 100 passages for meditation available online, and we know that many of you are using them for meditation. We'd love to hear from you in the comments below:

  • What qualities are you looking to cultivate this coming year, and what passages are you using?
  • If you were to meditate on “Prayer for Peace,” what qualities might you gain?

Prayer for Peace  – Hazrat Inayat Khan

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
which is perfect and everlasting,
that our souls may radiate peace.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may think, act, and speak harmoniously.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may be contented and
thankful for Thy bountiful gifts.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that amidst our worldly strife
we may enjoy Thy bliss.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may endure all, tolerate all
in the thought of Thy grace and mercy.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that our lives may become a divine vision,
and in Thy light all darkness may vanish.

Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
our Father and Mother,
that we, Thy children on earth,
may all unite in one family.