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Montreal Women Will Be Going Topless In Public This Month

Come out and show your support.

Montreal has always has the reputation of being very European. However that's not necessarily true when it comes to nudity.

Although we think of ourselves a progressive, our views regarding this issue is rather outdated.

August 26th is the national Women's Equality Day, it is on this day back in 1971 that the US Congress gave women the right to vote.

But there is still one right men have that women do not.

The right to be topless in public.

Read Also: Montreal’s Tam Tams Was Invaded By Bare Chested And Breasted People For “Go Topless Day”.

An organisation called wants to change this by organizing a massive topless protest in several cities around in North America.

This is not a matter of decency or morality, it is a gender equality issue plain and simple.

Men are allowed to remove their shirts in public without any repercussions, no matter how offensive the sight of their body may be, and yet women aren't.

It isn't fair and it isn't right.

This year, over 50 different cities are participating in the protest which takes place on August 28th.

Montreal's event will be at Tamtam's between the hours of 1:00 pm and 4:00pm.

For more information check out the GoTopless website.

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