
Never leave a chance. Never let hopes leave.

This realization, helped me go through all the obstacles in my life.

Big or small ones, every rock there is in your way must be kicked out and not overpassed.

There is always a way, only yourself can create the right one.

We must always create. Without creativity our life is plain. No one wants a plain life.

Each one of us must believe, and have faith, it allows you to cope.

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It is no secret that facing your fears makes you stronger and even more powerful in your own space. I do believe that all things made possible by ones 1)belief 2)willingness 3)work.


Nothing is ever made with inaction, or with someone at the other end telling everyone what and how to proceed. Work to be done, for good, needs a simple ingredient.  Collaboration. If you can’t communicate or have the willingness to follow your dream, then it surely won’t happen itself.

It’s a common practice that people are not aware of their strengths. I experience this from my own self. I can see how i lose my faith and hope, but every time i do, i stand corrected. Why? Because there is nothing i tried and haven’t succeeded. My whole life is a battle between my wants and how to accomplish them, and believe me with first of all hard work, and willingness i create the things i want.

If you try too much, and fail, is not always a sign that you did something wrong, because Failure might be the key to success. Although identifying the reasons of failure can also lead you there.

Very Important Tip: Most people’s hold-back-thoughts about trying too hard are being corrupted by other people’s judgement. Well, the time where the ones who judge will start working on their own failures isn’t far, so please ignore everyone says you can’t accomplish for any of their reasons.


My final reason for losing faith and hope is the people around us. Usually the kind of people who don’t try hard to get what they want, and they don’t always get it, are always surrounded by people that admire them when it’s the opposite that they should do.

We shouldn’t be around people that admire us, but with people that we admire.

People that worship your every move, as i call them mood-boosters, soon will find someone or something else to get attached to, so there is no reason we should be let them affect our criticality and let them decrease our motivation.


Pretty well every time I write an article I do believe that every start is a new one, and you can’t percentage your failure. BUT never lose hope because nothing great is ever accomplished without persistence and patience. Because you must translate your wants into work. Because we shouldn’t use the mood-boosters to change our thinking.


*Have a great summer!

2 Responses to “NEVER IGNORE A CHANCE”

  1. Hannah Says:

    I really like what you said about surrounding ourselves with people that WE admire, not people that admire us.

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