Publix Manager Breaks Up Fight Between His Wife And His Mistress!! (Exclusive Video)

By Jose Lambiet, EXCLUSIVE, Special to, July 27, 2015 – GREENACRES — A manager at a Publix in Greenacres had to do much more than get a clean-up on aisle four when his wife and a mistress showed up ready to brawl over his affections!

In this video captured by an almost-too-interested bystander whose play-by-play commenting is world class, the unidentified manager is trying to manage (that’s right!) a menage a trois gone wrong when his wife starts throwing punches at his side piece.

The manager was no match for his woman scorned, though, and it took a chubby security guard to break it up.

One of the video’s best part is how slow the security guard walks to a true emergency!

In the end, no one was injured.

A Publix spokeswoman said the incident at the Military Crossing store is under investigation both internally and by local police.

It’s the second brawl caught on video in a Florida Publix over the past two weeks.

On July 15, two men were filmed going at it by the meat counter of an Orlando Publix until managers and clerks broke them up. The fight erupted over a parking spot.

For our money, we like the new footage way better!

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