Review of ‘Riven Dawn’

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As the chief operations officer for 7th Fleet in the Pacific, Navy Captain Kate Mahoney, single mom of a teenage son living with her sister, is faced with the fight of her life. On the professional side she had to deal with a hostile superior officer and an enigmatic colleague just at the time when the North Koreans are hatching a plot to attack South Korea, while fighting the demons of her personal life when her estranged and abusive husband works to separate her from her son.

Riven Dawn by Mike J. Krentz is book one in the four-book Flagship series. While it is chocked full of military action, it is not your ordinary military fiction. The author, a retired navy doctor, takes the reader into the personal lives of the men and women who put their lives on the line in defense of liberty, combining authentic military action with the even more real personal challenges that they face on a daily basis. Krentz makes his characters come alive, as daring warriors and sometimes flawed individuals, and he does it from the perspective of someone who has lived that life and knows his stuff.

I received a free copy of this book. I can guarantee that once you start reading it, you won’t want to stop until you’ve finished it. A yeoman’s first effort, and I predict that the author will only get better with time.

I give this one four stars.

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