33% of survey complete.
Please answer questions on the following TJSL Library survey to provide us feedback on our services and resources. By completing the anonymous survey, you give us valuable insight into how you use the library. Students who participate may register to win an Apple iPod Shuffle.

(The deadline is April 18, 2014. Winners will be selected on April 21, 2014 and winners will be notified on
April 22, 2014.)

Question Title

1. What is your year or status here at TJSL:

Question Title

2. How often do you:

  Daily Several times weekly Once a week Once a month Only during finals Never
Need research assistance
Research for class, journal, moot court
Use class reserve materials
Check out books
Study in a quiet environment
Use a library computer
Relax between classes
Study in a group
Retrieve Lexis/personal printouts
Research for work
Attend a research class

Question Title

3. How do you find materials in the library? Check all that apply.

Question Title

4. What electronic resources do you access from the library website? Check all that apply.

Question Title

5. What are you looking for when you visit the Library website? Check all that apply.

Question Title

6. The library promotes events and research classes using different media. How would you describe the following forms of communications as to their effectiveness or ineffectiveness in informing you about library events and research classes?

  Ineffective Neither Effective nor Ineffective Effective Not Applicable/No Option
Touch screen monitor
ThomChat blog
Digital displays in the Learning Center