Home » Breaking News, Crimes, North America, Terrorism » Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia

Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia

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The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.

According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been indentified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.

By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7 others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.


Most critical to note about this FSB report is that where it ends, the mysterious, and hugely read, Russian publication Reedus (Ridus.ru) continues—and to fully understand this information one must note that Russian intelligence agencies (SVR/FSB) frequently use Reedus to put information into the public sphere that otherwise would have serious international consequences should the government be found to be behind it—thus giving Reedus its current status known as “a Kremlin resource” and an “agency of Orthodox journalism”. [Русский]

And the information relating to the black-Islamist terrorist Mercer “leaked” into Reedus by the SVR/FSB is, to say the least, shocking and disturbing–including that immediately after the Oregon mass shooting, his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror supporter to one of his being a “white conservative Republican”. [Русский]


Also important to be noted was Mercer’s association with the ISIS/ISIL terrorist Mahmoud Ali Ehsani, who is banned in Russia [Русский], and was one of only two of Mercer’s MySpace “friends” and who praises the Islamic State, calls for the killing of Jews and glorifies in pictures on his MySpace page his rapture of these terrorists.


With the true knowledge of Mercer being known as the black-Islamic terrorist he truly was, information which the Obama regime refused to accept from Russia, his mass terror act in identifying and killing Christians becomes immediately understandable.

As to why the Obama regime and their propaganda media lapdogs are disguising the truth from the American people about this horrific act of Islamic terror against them, especially to the families of the dead and wounded, it is not known—but shouldn’t really surprise anyone as that government has been nothing but a mountain of lies for years.


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1,280 Responses to " Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia "

  1. What rubbish! Chris was never associated with ISIS and never tried to travel to Turkey or Syria. The whole terrorist angle is nonsense!

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  2. These crazos better think twice before messing with us. Haven’t they seen what havoc p***ed off Americans did on Black Friday?? Makes the Mudslimes look tame!

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  3. Unbelievable I didn’t hear that information ANYWHERE.

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    • Thats because this site is made up nonsense. Anyone who has a fifth graders ability to fact check can see that. It almost works as comedy though…..almost.

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  4. Of course Barry Soetoro, AKA Obama, refused to admit that one of his Muslim brothers was an ISIS murderer. Barry is now active in bringing thousands of Muslim so called “refugees” from middle east to USA, by dictatorial decree, without the consent of congress. Reports are that 80% of these are men between 18-30 years of age and are ISIS members.

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    • You are delusional and more dangerous than the Syrian refugees. Reports are that 80% of what you say is made up by right wing Nazi skinhead terrorist groups. You are a terrorist.

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  5. So the Obama administration refused to “accept” a list of Russian-identified terrorists? A list that had Chris Harper Mercer’s name on it??

    Please recall that the Russians considered the Tsarnaev brothers terrorists, then warned the US about them. But the Obama administration did nothing – and the Tsarnaev’s did the Boston bombing

    So now it appears that the Obama administration also screwed up terrorist intelligence about Chris Harper Mercer? Ye gods.

    That there explains all anyone needs to know why the Obama administration is trying to hide the Oregon facts from the public.

    And this is just another smidgen of evidence that you can’t believe a thing the Obama administration says.

    Not a damn thing.

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    • And the govt. changed his profile to Republican! I guess that means that if they want they can change anyone’s information for any reason. And they will!

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      • Nobody changed his profile to right wing republican. He was able to do that all by himself. But just to be safe, you should stop using Facebook and start wearing a tin foil hat. STAY OFF THE INTERNET.

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    • http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-anniversary/russia-warned-u-s-about-tsarnaev-spelling-issue-let-him-n60836
      You could use a “smidgen of evidence” that doesn’t come from some right wing lie machine.

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  6. bluddy Putin first he takes out isis now he underpins the actors work

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  7. The Oregon shooter’s on line profile was modified to read that he was a white, conservative
    republican. There are screen shots of his profile, which predate the revision, that show that someone (perhaps CNN) modified the shooters profile to conform with their progressive agenda. The original profile said he was of mixed race and made no reference to him being either conservative or republican.

    We also know that CNN photo shopped the shooters pic. HOW? … Well, they lightening his skin tone by several shades, to make him look white. How does CNN get away with stuff like this?

    Remember, they (CNN) also photo shopped pics of George Zimmerman. They removed the wounds to the back of his skull and published their own (false) version of the story, supported by photos with his wounds “removed” from the photo.

    SOURCE: http://news.yahoo.com/oregon-community-college-gunman-sympathized-with-va-tv-shooter-shared-newtown-school-shooting-documentary-062320159.html

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    • I really think Americans have underestimated Obama’s hatred. I’m sure he put pressure on CNN to manipulate the facts of these events.
      In fact, I am now questioning his involvement in the recent “debates”. It was obvious that both FOX and CNN were pushing the GOP candidates to comment on each other.
      Last night’s Democratic “debate” was very friendly; not once were the candidates asked to comment on each other?

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      • That’s a very good point!

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      • “I’m sure he put pressure on CNN to manipulate the facts of these events”.
        Yeah, the President of the US doesn’t have anything better to do than fulfill one of your sick, twisted fantasies. It is YOUR hatred of America that has been underestimated, clearly.

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  8. in his “About Me” part, he forgot to add a comma between “killing” and “zombies”.

    PS: in US media they are calling this guy a “white supremacist”! See how they work? Ridiculous. They take us all for idiots.

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    • He was a Christian hating Muslim, just like the Tsarnaev brothers … and Obama

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      • How come Obama hasn’t put you in an insane asylum. Its about that time Do you sputter around in slippers proclaiming “Obama hates me, he’s trying to kill me, Obama hates all Christians, he’s at war with Christmas, Jesus save me from Obama, I can see him in the basement.”

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    • All of you white supremacists are idiots.

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  9. Call me a conspirator theorist, I DON’T CARE! What good does it do if people like this latest shooter in Oregon is on an International Terrorist List and our FBI, CIA, Justice Dept., and State Dept. choose to ignore it for political expediency? I believe this fraud in the Oval Office is encouraging these kinds of terrorist/law enforcement/racial incidents to continue to occur on a consistent basis, with his minions doing nothing preventative about it, so that his Communist/Muslim/Globalist agenda can quickly move forward, before it’s time for him to leave the White House……….If he really does! Can I say “Martial Law” anyone? Don’t think it can’t happen In a country the size of the United States, because it can. Pretty scary!

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    • fema

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  10. Islamic terrorist Obola in the WH

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  11. Perhaps all who read this Conservative drivel that passes for ‘news’, should read more.
    You might actually learn something!

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    • Oh, my! Whom to believe?

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    • Thank you!

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    • Then perhaps you can explain why his profile lists him as a Republican. The rest of his profile is obviously just the opposite. Have you ever heard of disinformation?

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  12. The EU Times is about as accurate and truthful as Fox news. http://screechingkettle.blogspot.ca/2011/02/debunked-eutimesnet.html#!/2011/02/debunked-eutimesnet.html

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    • Just like cnn and msnbc. They’re all corporate conglomerates who are controlled by the globalist interests of the NWO.

      This is interesting and the truth will eventually come out. Watch our government scurrying to cover up evidence just like it always does when something works against their agenda.

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  13. Twice now the Obama administration has refused intelligence on Islamic terror suspects that have resulted in mass casualties. First it was the Boston bomber brothers, and now this Oregon murderer of Christians. What are the odds unless Obama sides with the goals of the Islamic terrorists?

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    • Oh – where’s your proof that they EVER refused intel? How does one even refuse shared intel – either you’ve been told or you haven’t. The Boston bombers WERE on terrorist watch lists, 2 of them in fact. Try knowing what you’re talking about before making wild accusations (I know – it’s a concept you tea baggers have absolutely no experience with…)

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    • http://screechingkettle.blogspot.ca/2011/02/debunked-eutimesnet.html#!/2011/02/debunked-eutimesnet.html

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    • That’s because they can’t let the cat out of the bag yet…..they haven’t confiscated Americans guns yet….which is his goal so that the terrorists can try and take over america…which is the true goal of the obama administration. ..

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      • The signs of who they are are there, but they haven’t taken the mask off yet, but when they do you better be prepared. When people realize their country has been fundamentally transformed by people who have no loyalties to America all hell is going to break loose.

        They are already prepared, they have military equipment staged in strategic locations. That is what jade helm is all about. In was about staging military equipment under the guise of a military training exercise.

        The ecnomy is going to collapse and when it does it is going to look like grease but only much worse but I will be 100 times worse.

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        • Gotta wonder what those great big FEMA camps are for.,,,,

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        • I agree….it’s coming ….and I think it’s going to be soon very soon…Obama is really working over time to take our guns. Once we are disarmed ….they will move….I believe his gun laws are going to spark a civil war all over again…Americans are NOT going to give up there weapons!!….it just isn’t going to happen…Texas has already declared that they won’t be following his gun laws……so it’s gonna get bad!….God help us…

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        • I agree

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    • That is because they want to use the crisis as ammunition for their agenda. They’ll let some useful idiot patsy do their dirty work for them. That way they don’t have to get their hands dirty. The obama administration was all ready and waiting for the next shooting to happen. They didn’t even have all the victims ID before he was all over the media talking about how he wants to take Americans guns away.

      They were all ready and prepared for the next shooting to occur so they could jump on all the airwaves and exploit this tragedy for their agenda of more gun control.

      All the while they are instigating WWIII and sabotaging our financial economy plunging us into so much debt that we will never recover from through the fraudulent federal reserve system, flooding us with illegal aliens and muslim enemy combatants. Arming and aideing our enemies, arming mexican drug narco terrorists via fast n furious. All while trying to disarm Americans.

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      • I agree that is probably the reason why they ignored the intelligence.

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  14. Holy Cow! Did you see the flaming afro on the girl on the stretcher?

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    • I hope you realize that is a bush behind her!

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      • Oh, here we go…trying to put the blame on Bush again! What is with you Liberals??

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        • I know for a fact that anything that has ever gone wrong in the country since 1776 has been the fault of a Bush. The liberals tell me this and they are NEVER wrong.

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          • Sadly, I have found that many Conservatives blame a lot of what’s wrong with this world on another bush…yes, I went there ;-P

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          • I have never been fond of any of the Bushes nor the Clintons nor the Kennedys, etc., but comes a time you need to get over it and move on for the love of God and realize now it really is all Obama’s fault and only his.

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          • YES, yes…Shall we continue this conversation over drinks?

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          • I don’t know why some people don’t see it, if they would go and just watch videos and see what he says about us American people, even that muslims are smarter then us, more educated. Then again, has he ever said anything bad when it comes to Islam. He has plenty of insults to say about the American people.

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          • RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT and RIGHT again!

            Every time he has talked about his muslims bros, it has been recorded and there is a list online of all these incidents.

            Why can we listen to them and the left listens to them yet they still don’t understand what he is? What a puzzle.

            All I can figure is that they are so set in what they are supposed to be thinking as good little liberals that they can’t allow themselves to alter their own course. In other words, they have been properly brainwashed and I well understand that…we have a brainwashed one in our family.

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          • I think he has put subliminal messages on their obama phones that keep saying ” obama is the greatest ” lol That’s what most can only say to me then start calling me names. I ask for facts but never get any.

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          • Right, the education- and knowledge-loving Moslems who destroyed the great library at Alexandria, and are destroying Palmyra and other great cities and monuments.

            The religion of pieces…..

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      • LOL I had to scroll back up and look

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  15. Maybe the ‘Conservative brain-trusts’ who believe this should actually research the truth!

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    • Have you noticed the horrible grammar on this site? How can you trust anyone that uneducated?

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      • I don’t. ;-) Sadly, this level of education is indicative of the majority who take such drivel to heart. It’s a shame they can use the internet to “quote” lies, but are incapable of fact checking the veracity of the article cited.
        ~Worse is, these people vote!

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        • yus It is da libtards dat contorol da educaution instituianlizations of amerika au demoncrat sined in two law the defartment of educaution act on ten/seventeen/nineteen seventy nine and become activated on five/four/nineteen eighty It waz sined N2 law bi a communist. Itz the demoncrat controled publick educaution sistem dat iz respnzable four da dumbbing down of da childrenz.

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      • It shore demonstraights the failyour of gubmint controled publick educaution

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      • Moderators…I did not mean on YOUR site…I meant on the site in the above link. Atrocious.

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  16. Usually when a liberal runs out of facts to use in a discussion (pretty early on) they report to name calling. You can see it here and in every article you read.

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    • Usually when a conservative wants to support their unwarranted position they make up “facts” and lie to the world knowing enough of their “kind” shall willfully promote it to the sector that believes it as truth. It’s a big misinformation cult, and you should be ashamed to be a part of it – a real patriot would be.

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    • If any Conservative ever ‘fact checked’, they would quickly discover that the article from the European Union Times was written under a pseudonym, Sorcha Faal, who has been identified as the source of many fabricated articles!
      She apparently takes pleasure from sucking in people who aren’t smart enough to do their research.

      Chris Harper Mercer iS NOT an American black Islamist terror suspect!

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      • The article did not say he was on an AMERICAN list. So, therefore, that makes him NOT an American Islamist Terror suspect. This country refuses to put anyone on a watch list anymore. BUT, I would assume he would be on a foreign watch list. White American Conservatives do not hate Christians. This man did. The truth will emerge sooner or later.

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  17. He was no white supremacist — a misreport by the LA Times while trying to rush out and be politically correct. All the reports since this article support that he was connected to ISIS. ISIS has also taken credit for the attack, saying that he was one of theirs.

    He was a mentally ill young mixed-race man, who went to a school for autistic (Aspergers) and who never should have been near a gun. Like the Newtown shooter, his idiot mother got him interested in guns and kept plenty around. All of these terrible shootings were not committed by guns that walked into schools and killed people. They were all done at the hands of mentally ill men! A background check might not detect a mental defect– I think only criminal background shows up. But the school he attended would have been a red flag for background check. That might be something to add to background checks… Have these “special” schools report those attending, but then you have those privacy laws…

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    • Mommy bought the guns for him. So even that wouldn’t prevent him from getting them.

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      • Haha! Mommy supposedly bought the guns for the reclusive Adam Lanza, too. They’re too lazy to even bother rewriting their scripts.

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        • Because she did MORON!

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        • Both mothers did. Laurel Harper was very prolific on blogs about gun enthusiasts

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    • Really? So him asking people if they were Christians before killing them was just for the heck of it? This is what witnesses say he did..

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    • Privacy laws are important because there are far more innocent people than bad. People who have spent time in the psychiatric ward also do show up on background checks. Those laws were put on the books a long time ago.

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    • Adherence to Islam should also be included in the background checks. Since he had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists, he should have ben under surveillance…as should the other 86,999…

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  18. There is one way to determine whether this story is telling the truth, or is simply disinformation coming from the FSB. Find out if the scumbag traveled to Turkey (as the story claims) at any time last September.

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    • If the Fed. gov. sanctioned/allowed the UCC ‘hit’ to further their gun grabbing, which I think they surely did, then they will bury the evidence that he traveled there. The Dunblane Template.

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    • Good luck getting the current regime to do that. Someone outside the US govt will have to confirm that. Just did a quick search and most flights from Portland to Attaturk have at least 1-2 connections. Most popular countries for those connecting flights are Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands. Hopefully one of those govts will be able to confirm if he passed through them on the way to Turkey.

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      • Mmmm hmmmm… the US media is the government media in America and has been running a distraction disinformation propaganda campaign on the sheepish Americans. They believe everything that comes off of their propaganda machines big screen TVs in their homes. Even if this turned out to be true the Americans would not care or wouldn’t believe it. A self serving society of fools that elects communist tools such as obama along with 95% of congress.

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  19. This is total bullshit and if you believe it, you will believe everything fed to you, like a inbred. This guy was not a Muslim or even Black. He was a WHITE christian Supremacist. God, could you all be more gullible than fuck? You all are as stupid as fuck and as racist as he was. Good, one more white boy bites the dust.

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    • His mom was black and he never knew his father. Sounds like your typical black to me.

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    • Why focus on the white boy, your ignorance precedes you. You do realize he was mixed race half white and half BLACK. And he was raised by his BLACK mother not his white father who is nowhere to be found.

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    • WOW you are so far off from the truth and so quick to personally attack people you do not even know. The typical cyber bully who wants to appear as a bad ass to everyone when in true life nothing could be further from the truth. Search for the facts before you run your mouth.. Laurel Harper…. http://dailyentertainmentnews.com/breaking-news/ian-mercer-and-laurel-harper-chris-harper-mercers-parents/

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    • where did you get all your knowledge? You talk like you have an education of maybe 4th grade at best.

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      He had the same number of white parents as your Marxist NObamessiah! YOU are the STUPID one here for buying the left’s BULLSHIT!
      But thanks for admitting that we are right while you are a complete and utter fucking RETARD! You brain dead subhuman Marxist VERMIN only cry racist when you know you’ve already LOST!

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      • Arguing with folks like David is like mud-wrestling with a pig; you’ll never win, you’ll get muddy, and the pig loves it. Ignore trolls like David, and pray that they are healed.

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    • 1/2 White British, 1/2 Groid Black

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    • Can you read?

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      • Apparently not.

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    • David, we’ll pray for you. You sound like you need it!

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    • You can take one look and tell he’s mixed although CNN tried to bleach him (isn’t that racist?) . Why did it take hours and hours to release his name?

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    • A lying Progressive would like us to believe that somehow a 26 yr. old male with a white father and a black mother is white but reverse the ethnicities of the parents and Obama is black.

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    • you are the real racist,good one more nigger bites the dust

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      • Your mom would be proud, Alan.

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  20. Time to play cowboys and muslims!

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  21. It doesn’t matter This is an excuse for another executive order. Im not giving up my right to own a gun.

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    • god, no one ever said you must give up your right to own a gun. you, or anyone else.

      no one said to make guns illegal
      no one said to take them away from law-abiding citizens.

      it’s a re-evaluation on the process to obtain a lethal firearm. specifically aimed to keep them out of the mentally or emotionally unstable through more rigorous background checks, mental health checks, and additional training on how to use them.

      what is wrong with that? isn’t everyone better off if guns were in the hands of stable, qualified people? if you don’t fit the demographic, then what are you scared of?

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      • The fools should have had an ARMED security guard on duty! The only way to fight someone with a gun, is with a gun!

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        • Hell, they should’ve just not banned those with state issued CCW to carry on campus. The law says it’s up to the school to allow or ban, this one banned.
          Anyone think that the vet who charged the shooter and was shot 7 times might have been packing had the college allowed him to?

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          • Survivors and family members of those murdered need to press a class action suit against the community college, Oregon Board of Regents, and Oregon legislators who forced defense-free zones upon them without adequate armed security by the owner of the real property banning legal carrying of arms.

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      • Anyone who thinks the liberal progressive agenda is not to ban private ownership of firearms, is delusional.

        It is their one goal, they will never admit it though…

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        • it could be, it might very well be. i’m neither pro or anti gun ownership. i don’t think it’s realistic to expect a result where all guns are banned, or everyone should have unrestricted access to obtain them. so i don’t understand why the discussion on gun control is so black and white when there’s a ton of middle ground in between.

          i mean, congress passing legislation this time COULD potentially set a precedence that allows for tighter control in the future.

          but at this point in time, with 45 school shootings in one calendar year, shouldn’t this topic at least be open for discussion without responsible gun owners shutting down the discussion with “you’re not taking my guns.”?

          i mean the current plan laid out does make sense. more thorough screening, background checks, and training. whether that escalates to something else, who knows. but the current plan makes sense to me.

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          • He was a damn muslim had already signed up for training..they also have isis camps in 48 of our states all these muslim pos surrounds us in 48 of our states..not to mention the thousands coming wearing burka …men wearing them till they hit land on u.s. soil leaving women and children behind…yep osama obama got the muslim shit going on in u.s. ARM URSELVES UR FAMILIES ..STOCK UP ON AMMO

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          • The communists don’t want to admit to that because commies and muslims have similar agendas.

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          • Fascists of a feather……..Islamo-fascists, national socialists, what difference at this point does it make? Each of the predator groups named want their intended victims disarmed.

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          • Technically they are fascists who are connected to the communist party USA. They are communists who enjoy defrauding the system in order to get wealthy. My buddies all believe they want to use the muslims for their useful idiots to carry out their dirty work for them. It is a fact that obama is a communist and we don’t even really know if he is a legitimate president as he is a duel citizen. We don’t believe he is. The birth certifficate that he issued is fake as well as his selective service card and his social security number. We’ve got an individual in the white house who is instigating WWIII and doing everything he and his globalist friends can do to sabotage our financial system, turning muslim enemy combatants loose in America leaving our borders wide open allowing our nation to be invaded by millions of people from around the globe who arent coming here to be Americans, arming mexican drug lord narco terrorists via fast n furious oporation and all while trying to take Americans firearms away.

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          • 45 school shootings I one calendar year? You must get your inflated stats from CNN’s proven lies. They counted anything within one square mile of a school, including suicides, retail robberies, and domestic violence.

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          • CNN stands for Communist News Network.

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          • You could be right, you might be right.. But then there is weird books and videos of a guy, with credentials of Intelligence with the Pacific Fleet. Honorable discharge, and medals.. That wrote, to further the sympathy for more gun control, random school yard shootings would be used. Not to mention on his radio talk show June, 2001 he went on the air and said something big was going to happen & they would pin this on Bin Laden, so don’t believe it.
            3 months later, something big happened…
            November 5th, the very same year, he was killed on his own property in a shootout with sheriffs. He was a disabled veteran amputee and there is many conflicting stories from many accounts of what happened out there.
            Many try to discredit him and say he is crazy. They pick out certain things he had said, even though some things he said could change, cause he didnt see them all documents.

            Bottom line, I dont believe in conspiracy theories.
            When a man, with his credentials and service record, writes a book (22 years ago) and does presentations, about spreading the word and trying to wake people up because what we are seeing he wrote about… Then I start to question what we have, and are being told…

            Look up William Milton Cooper.


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        • Right. Delusional and or suffering from aspergers or mild retardation.

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      • Backdoor gun grabber!

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        • That is exactly what that individual is advocating for.

          That is called doublespeak because it is backdoor gungrabbing. Either a commie activist or is a million moms rosie o’donnell type that doesn’t have a clue.

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      • What part of “Shall not be infringed” do you not understand?

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      • Then who gets to define “stable, qualified people”? Lefty professors who declare that anyone who would even want to own a weapon must be mentally unstable? Politicians who want you disarmed because it makes it easier to fundamentally transform our system to a socialist paradise? No, thanks.
        The second amendment does not exclude the mentally ill or freed felons from the right to self-defense. Anyone who should not be allowed to bear arms should not be running around loose.

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        • unsubcribe

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        • You should see the size of the DSM-5 nowa days, just about anything could be construed as mental illness. One of the 45 declared goals of the communist party is to control psychiatry. In large part it is quackery.

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      • But the end result wanted is total disarmament. Haven’t you read about the NY Times piece about the “modern man”? Then look at the countries that have disarmed their citizens: Turkey – 1911, Soviet Union – 1929, Germany – 1938, China – 1935, Guatemala – 1964, Uganda – 1970. Now look at Switzerland, issues a gun to every household, teaches them to shoot, lowest gun-related crime rate in the civilized world.

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        • And look at the result when the government disarms it’s citizens:
          DEMOCIDE – Death by Government (by Dr R.J. Rummel)
          1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey’s Genocidal Purges
          61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
          20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
          38,000,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
          2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
          1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
          1,585,000 Murdered: Poland’s Ethnic Cleansing
          1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
          1,072,000 Murdered: Tito’s Slaughterhouse
          1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea

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          • Exactly. This is why it is important to never comply with gun registration schemes. government in general is a threat to the safety and well being of the people no matter what country it is.

            The US government has been hijacked by globalist operatives who are dismantling the USA from within.

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      • Those adjudicated mentally unstable are already prohibited from possessing firearms. Read the BATFE form 4473 sometime. Criminals don’t obey laws, not even gun control laws.

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      • Do you know how many gun laws are on the books. Its twenty thousand +.
        Do you not think that is enough. We already have Checks training etc. They check you up one side and down another. We have a waiting or cooling off period. I don’t fit the Demographic. I have held an ffl in the past. Yes Im scared of this President and anything he does. Its not for the good of the American people I can assure you of that. Wanna get me on a rant Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. Where do you suppose we have the most crime and murder by fire arms. Chicago. Go and look up how much crime has increased in Australia since they decided to take their guns away. Obama asked that the media get the statistic on gun violence. well let me tell you most murders in the country as a whole is not by guns. Most used weapon for murder is a damn baseball bat. Gun deaths and assaults are at the bottom of the list. But that is not even going to be used in the statistic report by the media. Yes he just asked them about gun statistic’s but I don’t think it will be a reliable report. I totally agree with the Paper work you have to fill out and the background checks and even the training even the waiting period. How can they be more rigorous. These things are in place and being used to buy guns of course its a lot easier now that we have computers. But these unstable people as you call them and criminals can buy them off the street for a song and don’t have to go through checks. I really don’t know how this idiot was even able to buy a firearm with his past. But he did. The guy in Colorado bought his firearms how? Colorado’s gun laws are not lax. The kid at Sandy Hooks took his mothers firearms.

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    • NONE of us will..

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    • Exactly.
      You not only have a Constitutinal right not to comply; you have a moral obligation not to comply as well. Unjust laws and in this case executive orders are not laws.

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  22. You are saying that Putin is Bombing Assad’s ground troop army. Brilliant

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  23. So Obama is the Charles Manson of present day.

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    • yep everyone else is doing his dirty work!

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      • Mmmm hmmmm

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  24. And when the repubs organize a committee for this, the answers from the LibTurds will be

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    • Most of the repubs are bad guys as well not all but the majority of them.

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  25. The Boston Bombers were on the same list.

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    • Yes and the gov. deliberately allowed that ‘hit’ to take place(another Democrat controlled state, of course). Gov. agents were everywhere, waiting for the bomb to go off. You can see them in various utube vids. Then, they locked down the whole city, making the residents the willing prisoners. Also, go to the Just Us Dept.’s website with their trial evidence photos. Tsarnaev’s Naturalization paper was dated 9/11. The joke’s on us!

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      • Problem-Reaction-Solution…

        Government creates the problem (false flag operation) then offers the solution to the reaction (when the sheepish dolts start screeming for the same people who caused the problem in the first place to do something to fix it), the solution is always to take away more rights and freedoms, they just continue to advance an agenda off of the crisis and the stupidity and ignorance of the people. incrementally this is how they errode our rights, liberty, and freedom away. They’ll pass more gun control, then something else will happen in the future and the same thing will play out once again. The demands for more control until there is nothing left of the 2A and we’re all on the prohibited list or legislated right into being defacto criminals. This is a marxist globalist agenda to errode away the 2a and the rights of the people.

        This has happened throughout the history over and over and over again.
        Another perfect example would be obamacare. It was designed to fail so that when it does the sheepish dolts of society with scream for the very same people who designed the failure to fix it again.

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        • This has been the procedure of the demo-COMMUNIST party since the Wilson admin:

          Government creates the problem (false flag operation) then offers the solution to the reaction (when the sheepish dolts start screeming for the same people who caused the problem in the first place to do something to fix it), the solution is always to take away more rights and freedoms, they just continue to advance an agenda off of the crisis and the stupidity and ignorance of the people. incrementally this is how they errode our rights, liberty, and freedom away.

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          • Historically false flag operations have been going on since the Roman Empire. But youre right. Another popular example is the Reichstag fire in nazi Germany as the reason for Hitlers enabling act to strip everyone of their rights.

            As a mote recent example Look at the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing. The sheepish dolts were cheering on martial law. Allowing the jack boots to come door to door pointing our taxpayer supplied M16s and AR15s in peoples faces ramsacking homes looking for a 19 year old boogyman, Violating the 4th Amendment. If Americans don’t wake up we will be living with a military police force on every street corner just like an occupied third world country.

            The good news is that Americans are waking up… the bad news is that the more people wake up to what is happening the more false flags will he staged andvthe more rights we are stripped of.

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  26. Why don’t the media report this? They have freedom of the press!!!!!!!!!! If they are going to be Obama play toys and not report the news maybe we should take that away!!!!!!!!!!! EXAMPLE CNN editing photo to make him look white, his name to make him white. CNN how low can you go!!!!!!!!! You are disgrace to ever news reporting news in the WORLD. YOU ARE DESPICABLE.

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    • Um – because this is a bunch of bullshit idiot. Real media report real news, not some half-crocked crap written by a known fraud. This site is a joke for posting an “Onion-type” article without verifying a single word of it.

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      • You’re better off to cancel the cable subscription and start supporting alternative media that reports the truth.

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        • Um, did you see the source attributed to this article? Do a Google search for Sorcha Faal, and read a few of the links it returns, then get back to me

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    • they have been threatened by our fearless leader.

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    • Because they WORSHIP the Marxist NObamessiah. That is why they will refuse to report on anything that makes him look bad.

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      • corporate conglomerate propaganda networks are owned, bought, and payed for by people who have the same goals as ol barry. barry is just a puppet for a billionaire international crime syndicate group of bankers/gangsters.

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    • This is why it is important to support alternative media and cancel the cable subscription. This is how you put an end to the corporate conglomerate propaganda networks. Stop subscribing. If only people understood who ted turner is.

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    • That is why they waited so long to release his name. They didn’t want anyone looking on the facebook until it was scrubbed or seeing his face until it was bleached. I did see a picture of his father but have not to date seen one of his mother who I hear is black. I don’t know whether he’s Muslim, but he’s certainly black; however, “the narrative” needs him to be white so white they tried to make him be.

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  27. Sally I totally agree.It is a very sad and disgusting state we are in. How Obama managed to get himself voted into office twice is beyound me. Lord have Mercy and God Bless America.

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    • Ask Valerie Jarrett (One World Order) who is running this country! ObombUS is just his/her narcissistic puppet!

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      • just wait if u think obama is bad wait for sanders or clinton to gt in

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        • And this is why the 2nd REVOLUTION is coming! America won’t last with the Drool-aid lemming followers!

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      • ^^^^^^We have a winner right here.

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      • The lesbian commie muslim Jarrett and bathhouse barry commie muslim faggot should be charged with treason along with 99%OF THEGOP and lined up and executed via AN A 10 WARTHOGS 30mm GUN .

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        • I LOVE that airplane!!! I want one!

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  28. If you voted for Obama ….twice ….you’re simply a damn fool …

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    • Once was retarded, twice is pure treason.

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      • Why do you think this Administration wants all the Illegals from Mexico & South /Central America, as well as the 200,000 “refugees” to flood our country & put up a big stink about how requiring ID to vote is “racist”? They will make SURE all of them will vote Democrat in 2016 so that Democrats continue to rule until this nation is COMPLETELY DESTROYED!

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        • That is exactly why as well as to use them against the American people.

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    • Or a communist

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  29. I’m a proud American who used to live in a free country. “Free” has a different meaning today than when we had a proper immigration policy and patrolled our borders. Free now means government handouts, voting without a photo ID, and feeding at the government trough for life. obama should be impeached for what he has done to America.

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    • Tell it like it is!!!!!!!!

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    • It is a saul alinsky/cloward and piven in the same wrapper. A strategy to overwhelm our system. What it boils down to is a communist revolutionary style takeover, but Americans are too docile, perverted and decadent to understand that.

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