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    Baby Kutchis Is (Rumored To Be) A Girl!

    It was revealed today that Mila and Ashton are having a baby girl. So we decided to predict what she may be like based on Bad Birthdays: The Truth Behind Your Crappy Sun Sign, written by Sarah Christensen Fu.

    Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are expecting a bouncing baby Kutchis this fall (yes, we combined their names together and yes, we hope it catches on). Better yet, it was revealed today that they are expecting a girl with a rumored month of birth as September. Let's take a look to see what little girl Kutchis could be like based on her sign(s) in Bad Birthdays. Since we don't know her exact due date, we're going to look at her two potential signs.

    First up, the Vexed Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22).

    Mila and Ashton could be facing a tough time with their little bundle of joy if she's a Virgo since they tend to be intense and off-putting. The one benefit as she grows up, she will be a clean-freak. And I mean constantly picking up her toys, organizing them and showing you just how she wants them. One thing she won't be doing, playing in the dirt. That's just too messy for her. She'd have to take like 6 baths after just to feel clean again. All while she's only 3 years old!

    They also tend to mutter little well-intentioned insults under their breath when they think you aren't listening. So good news, Mila and Ashton, you won't be cleaning up after your little girl too much, but you will be constantly fighting off the other parents who feel that their child has been bullied because of your little girl muttering snarky comments under her breath around them.

    Word of advice to you now before your bundle of joy arrives: Don't let them know that you have noticed their annoying habits. This is particularly important as she enters her teenage years. Virgos tend to freak out pretty easily and when they lose it, they will start listing every single thing that you have ever done to them.

    Yep, remember that time you threw out her favorite stuffed animal? No… well she does. And she's never going to let you forget it.

    We won't get too much into dating since it's going to be a while, but just know that her relationships will be about working together and alphabetizing things. Good hygiene and habits works wonders for a Virgo in a mate. Also, never wear anything mismatched. This goes for both of you as parents, and to her future mate, or she will go off the deep end!

    Essentially, if baby Kutchis is born a Virgo, you will be in for a perfectionist, cleanliness obsessed, short tempered child who will never let you forget anything. Be forewarned Mila and Ashton.

    But if she's born after Sept. 22, you could be in for a whole other ball game with a Lousy Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 23).

    Libras are easily confused and are constantly analyzing EVERYTHING. They also jump on bandwagons pretty easily. So if your movies start to suck, Ashton and Mila, your little girl will jump on with everyone else and agree. But if you have a hit role, she's going to agree that you deserve an Oscar. The biggest thing with Libras – they want EVERYONE to like them and worry constantly about what everyone else thinks. And they are pretentious, and also trendy, possessing the effortless ability to put together an amazing outfit, throw together a kick-butt party or pretty much anything at any given moment, and can nail anything they try.

    Essentially, she would be a golden girl in Hollywood, just like her mother (who is a Virgo, born 8/14/83).

    Again, we're not going too deep into the dating territory but just know that dating a Libra is tough. They demand to be courted, entertained and wooed. They love jewelry. Libras also string several romantic partners along at any given time because they have a hard time choosing. So be forewarned, she will have multiple people in love with her at once, but chances are, she has no idea who she wants. She'd probably be perfect for The Bachelorette.

    If baby Kutchis is a Libra, Ashton and Mila are going to having a pretentious, trendsetter who jumps on every bandwagon they can, just to please everyone else. Hollywood golden girl in the making.

    Good luck to you both. Talk about ending up with one extreme or the other. No matter what sign she is, at least she'll have the genes of good looks on her side.