New Book Trailers, Including for BOUGHS OF EVERGREEN!

Hi all, I've really been slacking off on blogging here on GR lately and I'm so sorry because there have been so many exciting things happening! Among them, I am working with a gifted photographer on a new cover concept for Crush; I've created several new Crush and Bright related videos in the past 24 hours LOL; and most of all, today is the RELEASE DATE for "Boughs of Evergreen" which is a brand new LGBTQ-themed anthology of short stories about the celebration of so many diverse national and international holidays, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, St. Lucia's Day, Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Kwanzaa, and those 8 crazy nights!!! Please tell your friends about this wonderful collection of short stories, because all proceeds go to help The Trevor Project in their wonderful and important work helping LGBTQ youth in crisis!!!

The book trailer for BOUGHS OF EVERGREEN, along with my other books, can be found here on GR:
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Published on November 21, 2014 06:29
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