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(November 11, 2015)-  If tension or muscle pains are controlling your life, you might want to try a very gentle treatment called Craniosacral therapy.  It was developed by osteopathic doctor John Upledger at Michigan State University.

Students and practitioners of Craniosacral therapy, like Claire Jackoway, say the light touch is the healing ointment many need to relax and distress. It starts with finding the specific pulse of the cerebral spinal fluid.

“A therapist can detect anywhere in the body, this pulse, and can ascertain if there are any blockages in the body, from where ever the body has a deficient pulse,” says Jackoway.

According to John Upledger, the CST practitioner uses his hands to survey the Craniosacral system by gently feeling various locations of the body to test for the ease of motion and rhythm of the spinal fluid.  Soft techniques are used to release what are called “restrictions” in any tissues influencing the system.

“The touch,” according to Jackoway, “on the cranial area, when you feel for the rhythm, it’s very light.  It’s a very, very light touch.”

Upledger’s theory is by normalizing the area around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body’s ability to self-correct, Craniosacral therapy is able to alleviate a number of problems from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke.

According to Jackoway, her patients with TMJ have gotten relief.  Upledger believes Craniosacral therapy is even good for migraines, chronic fatigue and scoliosis and stress.

“In this day and age, we know how to do stress. I think we’ve forgotten how to do calm.  Craniosacral therapy can, at the very least, help you with calm,” says Jackoway.