Book Giveaway For The Pirate's Revenge

  • The Pirate's Revenge by L.N. Cronk
    The Pirate's Revenge

    Release date: Jul 11, 2014
    Meticulously researched and artfully crafted, The Pirate's Revenge is a unique coming-of-age story about friendship, faith, and survival.

    Shocking the
    Meticulously researched and artfully crafted, The Pirate's Revenge is a unique coming-of-age story about friendship, faith, and survival.

    Shocking the

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 5 copies available, 523 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jul 18 - Aug 18, 2014

    Countries available: United States and United States

  • Winners

    Josh Chireno, Bradley, Tandi

    523 people entered this giveaway

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    Giveaway Listed By

    L.N. 113 books
    322 friends