Be heard, using your journal to support your life. 
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To Live Inspired: Seeker of Truth, Passionately Supportive, Inspiring Action 


Be Heard, using your journal to support your life.

If you are familiar with my work at all you likely know by now that I am a huge advocate of journaling, of all kinds (though my true journaling love is visual journaling with writing as well)
I know keeping a journal practice going can be one of those things that seemingly eludes us. It seems like we need to sort out our deepest selves on a daily basis and frankly that feels too overwhelming and too much pressure.
However I believe that journaling is really powerful in supporting the life we are in and the life we ultimately want to create.
In this month’s newsletter I am going to share some of my thoughts, ideas and some resources (mine and others) all on journaling!
Ultimately the goal being practice not perfection!
I believe allowing yourself to express whatever it is that is coming up is the best way to be able to feel heard, from yourself through your journal. So often we are upset that we are not being heard by others. But in reality we are really craving being and feeling heard from ourselves.
Remember there is not right or wrong way to do this, any journal works. Make it something you want to use but do not feel too precious about and don’t choose something you really don’t like. There are a huge range of notebooks and journals (not to mention sketchbooks) out there to use. Start anywhere, just start!
A few  ways to use your journal to support you:
1)      Create a done and ready list (what are you done doing and what are you ready to trust, do , explore?)
2)      Vent, sometimes we just need to gripe about things in life, your journal is the perfect companion for this (if your afraid someone will see it, glue a picture over it or throw some paint on the page.
3)      Capture your gratitude, what we focus on we attract more of to ourselves so often.
4)      Create Soul Notes, these are those  seemingly random things, tugs that you get in the form of cravings, inspirations etc. Start to capture them. This is a really simple and beautiful way to start to tap into your life, your soul a bit more bit by bit.
5)      Write down your dreams, goals and what actions you might take to start to put those into play, into practice now.
6)      Sort things out, have something your needing to work through? Your journal is a great spot to do this for SO many things!
7)      Start collecting inspiration, images of what you seek, want to explore, want to feel when we start to collect these things we will notice patterns and themes in our lives. This is a tool that was really helpful to me more than a few times in  my life. Play with color, words and images in your journal!

If #7 (or really any of the others) appealed to you, consider joining in my workshop Layers of Life-Visual Journal eCourse. It starts Sept 9th and is full of prompts to get a bit messy, expressive and open in your journal. Newbies and Seasoned visual journalers  alike can benefit from this eCourse! And I would LOVE to have you!
Still stuck on what to use your journal for?  Here are some links: Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered. 

PS: I would love to hear from you, reply back with any questions, celebrations or tips on journaling you have (or just to say howdy!) 


I feel renewed by... 
Doodle your thoughts or when trying to figure things out! 
What is essential to you for your mind, body and soul? 
This pouring thoughts out on paper has relieved me. I feel better and full of confidence and resolution.” 
― Diet EmanThings We Couldn't Say.
Copyright © *|Heather Shafer of To Live Inspired 2014

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