
9 Things You Know If You’re Queer In Beirut

While all queer experiences cannot possibly be the same, there are some very similar shared occurrences that we all go through at one point or another in the process.

1. If you’re not out to your family, you have two personalities

The one for your family, that “doesn’t mind gay people” and the ultra-queer truth underneath reserved for your closest friends.

2. You have a total of three clubs to go to

While more and more places are becoming queer friendly in Beirut, you’re ultimately bound to 2.5 clubs you can attend and not be bombarded by straight couples all night long.

3. You’ll run into your ex every weekend

Because we only have the three places we can go to, you will run into your ex every single weekend, there’s just no avoiding it.

4. You have or have had homophobic friends

Whether they’re far cousins who we grew up with or the friends we made at school when we were still in the closet, we all have homophobic friends that at some point drain us of all our positive energy. Losing these people will be the best thing you will ever do.

5. You can recognize another queer person by how many mutual friends you have on Facebook

If it’s between 4 and 10, they’re at the very least an ally.

6. Every Sunday family lunch is an exercise in self-control

*You can’t slap grandma, you can’t slap grandma…*

7. Lebanese TV makes you feel like a national threat

Shows like Ahmar Bel Khat El 3areed and Lil Nashr make you want to cut your TV cables out and retreat back into the middle ages, which is incidentally where you feel you are.

8. Every single victory that has to do with queer rights and gender equality makes your heart burst

It’s also a great way for you to find out who amongst your Facebook friends is homophobic…

9. You have a community that makes you feel loved for who you really are

At the end of the day, while the queer community in Beirut is varied and eclectic, being queer in this city is awesome and gives you a great group of friends.