Understanding​ life????

The World is Our Oyster

Go to amazon.com or http://www.donnaink.com for your copy of The Mission For All Mankind

God is creator and our father. As Our Father we inherit his ability to create, of course not on the grand scale of creation that God has provided us, but we must start somewhere.  If you were truly honest with yourself the times you are most happiest are when you are achieving positive goals and creating using our God-given abilities.

To live life to be truly happy we must grow. Staying stagnant living life in fear is why we become depressed.  We were created as free will creative evolving beings making decisions and living life experiences to learn and grow. We will suffer through the ups and downs of lfes learning experiences, but we will also experience great happiness. Our hearts will be tested and your faith is the answer.

We as a person, as a society, as a nation, and as a planet will be tested and the condition of our planet is the measuring stick to our understanding of our great Creator. He knows our heart and our love for one another and yes even our politics is a measure of our understanding and hearts. America does not come first in God’s eyes, we as a planet are not even first in his eyes.  So just remember when you judge that person for the color of their skin or the shape of their eyes, their religion or life style you are being tested. We are all a member of mankind on this small planet in a creation much larger then you can even imagine. We must learn to accept each other here before we can even understand how great God is in this great creation of his massive universe.

The reason we exist is to find God and we can only find God through growth and experience.  Try new things and see what our Father has in store for u on our learning path of progress.  There are only two rules that he requires of you and that is to love him above no other and your neighbor as yourself. Be kind and appreciate the small things in life and greater things will surely come your way. Remember God is not the way to material prosperity on this temporary planet of one’s short life here on planet Earth, his plan is much greater.

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About reneesmith2015

Renee Smith is a evolving creature in her journey of leaning and experiencing life. She sometimes takes life too seriously in her quest for adventure that she so desperately craves. Her goal is to live a fearless happy life with love, patience and tolerance as a example to anyone interested.

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