New Writing Project! Natural Health Website

UnderConstructionI have begun a new copywriting project!  It is actually a natural health/natural medicine-related website that I am putting together:  To date, there isn’t much there yet, but I am faithfully researching and writing the content and building the pages one by one.  Brick by brick.  Word by word.  Day by day!  It is a simple design and a very PLAIN-LOOKING site right now, I know, but over time gradually it will become more visually appealing and interesting, with more to offer and it will be far more (wait for it) content-rich!

It is largely in response to an interview I heard at the beginning of the year on Ed Gandia’s awesome, information-packed podcast, High-Income Business Writer, in which the guest, Mark Mason, talked about creating a “passive income” stream (actually a multiple income stream model) by creating online content, such as a website, on a subject or theme that you’re interested in.  (You can listen to that episode here:

I had been planning to launch a content-based website already, so this particular interview and the topic that was discussed were the impetus that caused me to go ahead and get it started with it.

Complementary Content-Writing

Natural health and (so-called) “alternative” medicine have been an interest of mine for years.  In particular, the relationship between disease and nutrition and the use of supplementation and diet to effect nutritional healing.  That is the main focus, but I will eventually be covering other aspects of natural medicine such as the use of essential oils, acupuncture, traditional (i.e., Chinese, Indian and, once upon a time, American) herbal/botanical medicine, etc..

My goal is to use the site as a resource for folks providing lots of high-quality content and information, written very informally and conversationally (how I usually write!), on various topics around the theme of natural medicine and nutrition and health, and I will recommend particular products and services to interested visitors who would like to know more.  To that end I am partnering with a couple of health-and-wellness-oriented companies and looking at different monetization models for the site in order to create some of those “passive” income streams that Ed and his guest talked about and that we writers like to think about (and write about).

It’s perfect as a vehicle for the use of web copywriting and theme-based content and the principles of direct selling and direct-response/business-to-consumer marketing.  I love that it offers real and verifiable benefits.  (I plan on doing case studies highlighting these later.)  And it lets me indulge in a topic that I have an inordinate and UNHEALTHY amount of interest in! 🙂

This project combines my passion for writing (commercially) with my interest in natural health and wellness.  It doesn’t get any better than that!

Again, the new site is here:

UPDATE (April 2015): I had to put this project on the shelf for now.  An online education commitment came up during 2014 that has required me to abandon my “hobby” site and concentrate on writing and creating video lessons for a homeschool math curriculum that I am in the process of putting together.  I will be posting an update on that…

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