Compassion. DO. Help. NOW. Pass it on.

Seriously, a call for compassion in action.BETHEDROP

Mother Nature knows.

A single drop of water in a lake radiates energy to become larger and larger circles.

Isn’t that what social media is all about?

Isn’t this the beauty of it?

We share a thought or a joke or a (cat) picture with our friends and followers who in turn share with their friends and followers — and the circle multiplies.

And if we share a compassionate mindset, an awareness of being more caring and kind, each of us has within us the potential to influence and change the world to make it a better place.

We took this video during a camping vacay to Northern California.

Mother Nature’s Perfect Concentric Circles of Energy

Sometimes it takes more than words to effect change.

Sometimes ACTION is the answer.

I need your help

Not for myself, but for Dearborn Wolf Sanctuary.

Simply stated, here’s his mission: 

”We rescue wolves and wolf-hybrids that are unwanted, abused, etc. We give them a loving home with three acres to run and play, and all the food they can eat.”

I received an email this morning that touched my heart. (Tugboat man and I have kind of adopted Dearborn Wolf Sanctuary. His love and caring for the abused and neglected wolves and wolf-hybrids is an example of pure altruism.)

“I hate to bother u you have helped me so much and been so kind I really need help this month I had to pay $1000 for meds I’m flat broke I have no money for food for them so if u know anyone please send them to my page I use to 2 to 5 donations a month tell face book made me change my page I have about a week worth of food then they will be out they never been with out food since I started this sanctuary 15 years ago take care me.”

We can all relate to the fear of not having enough to eat, right?

Please extend a little compassion in action by donating some dollars to help him feed his wolves. Sacrifice your daily latte, any amount will help this worthy cause. If we all pitch in just a little — that’s all it takes to make a difference.

Flood his page with likes and follows! Dearborn Wolf Sanctuary Facebook Page:

1. Please donate. You can either send a money order or check to…

Dearborn Wolf Sanctuary
Mel Crockett
31 Cox Creek Lane
Cascade, Montana 59421



2. Please spread the word to your own circle of influence. Just a click or two will help his animals get the food they need to survive.

3. I’m also asking for help to create a GoFundMe for him. I’ve never done it before; if anybody would like to work on a more sustainable form of support, I’d love to join forces.

4. Here’s a link to my post about Mel and his Dearborn Wolf Sanctuary.

P.S. Join me in donating and I’ll send you a gift, a GENUINE Princess Rosebud seashell necklace! Email your address to and I’ll pop it in the mail.


2 thoughts on “Compassion. DO. Help. NOW. Pass it on.

  1. I built a GoFundMe page and it worked very well. It’s easy You just do it. If you have any pictures of the sanctuary, you can use them. It’s no different than setting up a facebook page or a blog. Follow the prompts. Before you can complete it, though, Mel will have to supply bank account information so donations can be transferred (after the first one, they do it automatically) to his account. Many people prefer giving through PayPal because they already have accounts there. Others would rather send checks directly so that none of the money gets taken out as fees. GFM and PayPal both take a cut of donations. It’s not exorbitant — at least not by current standards — but it is a chunk of change. When you bring in money, they make money too. Motivation. You can manage a GFM page, sending thank you notes to donors etc., but he will still have to give you account information.

    I sent a donation (small, but I don’t have much) last time. I’ll send a little more, but it’s a drop in the bucket. If the thought counts, then so will my donation. I support our local wolf sanctuary too — within the limits of my resources. They are always short of funds. All these places need help all the time. I wish I had enough money to do some serious good.

    Liked by 1 person

Now it's your turn to share your pearls with me. Cheers!