Meet a DA: Joey Chimes ’19

The Thrill spotlights a Discrimination Advisor regularly to raise awareness about the resources available to students on campus in relation to issues of discrimination.  They have weekly Office Hours they announce via email and can also be reached at any time using this form. Stay safe this weekend, and know that there is always someone you can talk to if you need help. Today, we’re featuring Joey Chimes ’19.
If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
Oh man, that’s a tricky question. It’s a toss up between sushi and corn muffins. But since those foods don’t really go together I think I’d alternate: corn muffins for breakfast, sushi for lunch and/or dinner. I’d die at a young age due to malnutrition, but it’d be worth it.

What’s the last good book you’ve read?
Over the summer I read Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, which is an amazing and completely spellbinding read, but I’m also currently halfway through Haruki Murakami’s Absolutely on Music and loving it. The whole book is a collection of conversations about music between Murakami and Seiji Ozawa (the conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra), and reading it feels almost as if you’re in the room with them as they’re talking.
Why do you love Kenyon?
In a word: the people. I know that’s a bit of a cliche, but I really feel that there’s something about this place that a certain type of person is drawn to. And maybe it’s because I’m one of those people, but I really feel that so many of the people here are special in ways that I can’t really describe. The capacity for empathy and understanding that people have here is greater than anywhere else I’ve ever been.
Where’s your favorite place to nap on campus?
On a sunny day, there’s nothing better than setting up a hammock outside somewhere on/near south quad and just relaxing. But when it’s cold or rainy (as it’s starting to be more and more often now), my room in Leonard is an obvious choice.
What was the last movie you watched?
I saw Moonlight over break, and I don’t even really have words to describe how beautiful and heartbreaking it is.
Why did you become a DA?
I became a DA because even though Kenyon is a special place filled with truly great people, I know firsthand that there are really hard things that people go through here. Especially given the current political climate and certain occurrences on campus, issues of diversity are extremely important, and I wanted to do whatever I could to make Kenyon a safe and loving place for everyone who goes here, regardless of the circumstances they come from. Another thing that is important to me is how the DA’s as a group are viewed on campus. My worry about the perception of the DA’s (and any other group like it) is that we are only here to call people out for being “offensive” or “politically incorrect”. This perception is something that we as the DA’s have talked a lot about as a group and have worked hard to change. What we really want is for the DA’s to be viewed as a group of people who anyone can feel comfortable coming to if they feel as though they have been treated unfairly, or simply need someone to talk to.

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