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The World Series has escalated to a PUBLIC LIBRARY FIGHT

The drama of the World Series has librarians in two cities all riled up. Let's score this critical Twitter fight between the Kansas City Public Library and the San Francisco Public Library. DING... DING... DING

Round 1

A close first round. Both libraries were just peppering their opponent. No haymakers yet. Book recommendations are a light opening, but the edge goes to San Francisco. A book of rules isn't as strong as a book detailing the Giants history.

Winner: San Francisco

Round 2

Ouch Kansas City! Going straight for a relocation joke is a low blow. San Francisco didn't see it coming and could only try to justify their move from New York, while complimenting Kansas City! Bold move.

Winner: Kansas City

Round 3

YOU WENT SOFT KANSAS CITY! The San Francisco Public Library was on the ropes after that relocation blow and you let them off them bounce back. This wouldn't have been a bad tweet if you left off that smiley face.

Don't think you're off the hook, San Francisco. "Get ready to cry some blue tears"? Everyone knows that bars of toilet cleaner product blue water. This would have been a way better avenue for a water-based joke. Opportunity missed.

Winner: Tie round

Final Score

Missed opportunities on both sides dominated this fight leading to a tie. Librarians are far too polite to engage in knock-down, drag-out street brawls, but only Kansas City showed some edge. Nobody won on rounds, but we have to give it to Kansas City on points. They brought the fight and almost ended it in the second round.

Winner in the third round by decision, the Kansas City Public Library

Your move, art museums.

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