Cryptid Case Files: Case C.03

Cryptid Case Files {life as a field trip}

noun: cryptozoology
the search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and the yeti.

While Brain Drain and Summer Slide may seem like they could be mythological monsters, they are all too real. Last week, in an effort to fight these worthy beasts, my son worked on Case File Z.02: The Kraken. We had fun talking and reading about the Kraken, but writing was a challenge again. He wrote more, but just a bit more. In the facts and evidence section he couldn’t be bothered to come up with more than “Don’t go to the 7th circle of Hell”. Good advice if you want to avoid Cerberus, but it wasn’t exactly the writing exercise I was hoping for.


Cerberus Mythological Monsters Book
Cerberus in the book Mythological Monsters: Legendary, Fearsome Creatures. One of P’s well-worn favorites from the Scholastic book order.

Case File C.03 investigates Cerberus, or the three-headed dog that guards the gates to the underworld in Greek Mythology. P will do his research using his book Mythical Monsters: Legendary Fearsome Creatures, but Greek Mythology books and websites are a good source as well.

Cryptid Files: Cerberus {life as field trip}

Print Case File C.03

There are plenty of activities to choose from this week. I doubt P will choose Mythological Creatures in My Little Pony, but I hope he does. It’s a great way to show how mythology appears in popular culture. I’m sure he will choose Harry Potter instead, but that’s okay. It’s still a good example of mythology in popular culture.

I’m looking forward to this Case File. Once P starts learning about Greek Mythology he’ll sure get sucked in and want to know more…just like his mama, right?

You and the kids haven’t started yet? No worries. Start here: Cryptid Case File One: Zombies. There’s no deadline and there’s no reason you can’t save the Cryptid Case Files for cold winter days.

See you next week for Case File 4!

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