Attorney Mark Bibbs Was On FM 99.3 Spotlight On The Community

Attorney Mark Bibbs was on FM 99.3 Spotlight on The Community around the 8:30 am hour. Talked about the high light bills. So what can he do that all of the other legislators from the local to the state to the national levels that have worked on it do differently. ElectriCities meets in Wilson and I wonder how many meetings has he attended?

I thought his conversation about Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield was quite interesting. He said she could not get on a subject and stay on it like he could because he was very thorough since he has been an attorney.

The thing about his residency sounds good on his behalf when he tell it and he may be on to something. However I thought one thing that didn’t make sense was that he said he had a bed and the other stuff in his office but I got confused because back then he was not saying this was his residency.

I can’t truly respond to the residency issue because I am just listening to him and reading the Wilson Times so I ain’t on the inside.

See related:

Mark Bibbs

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