East of the M60 on the Weatherfield Wayfarer’s new arrival

As a follow-up to our previous article from the 29 October 2013, we at East of the M60 noticed a change to the Weatherfield Wayfarer fleet.

On the very odd occasion I get to watch Coronation Street, I noticed a rather familiar face on Sunday’s hour long episode. A bus I probably caught a year or so ago on the way back from Shudehill Interchange, on the 218 service. There I found that Weatherfield is now 100% low floor. About time too. Hence…

The arrival of a Plaxton Primo in Weatherfield

YX60 DWO, a 28 seater Plaxton Primo, was registered on September 2010. Over a year later, it entered service in March 2012. Its first operator, who purchased the vehicle from new was JPT Travel. It was one of a handful that didn’t sport the company’s yellow and blue Metrobus inspired livery.

Prior to Stagecoach Manchester’s acquisition of operations in April 2014 it was always in a white livery. The only concessions to this was a blue vinyl ‘jpt’ logotype and its fleet number below the windscreen. It was allocated fleet number 260. Since Stagecoach’s acquisition, it was allocated fleet number 49891.

It previously plied its trade along North Manchester, JPT’s long time stamping ground. Especially on the 17, 112 and 165 services. Today, it is seen in the standard Stagecoach livery. On screen, with the Weatherfield Wayfarer vinyls in use.

S.V., 30 March 2015.

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