Helena Hann-Basquiat's Reviews > P.O.W.ER

P.O.W.ER by Lisa A. Kramer
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it was amazing
bookshelves: to-read

I really loved this book. It's everything many modern dystopian novels try to be but end up falling short of because they get distracted by trying to pander to audiences who demand that there be a love triangle, a vampire, a werewolf, and a bland teenager. Instead, we have a powerful, brave protagonist in Andra BetScrivener -- a truly inspiring heroine who absolutely DOES NOT BEND in her conviction, even when the reader might have cut her some slack.
Imagine the sense of power you would feel if you suddenly discovered that your own writing could alter reality -- what a terrifying prospect that would be. Such power comes, as they say, with great responsibility, and Andra lives up to the task, even though she finds herself in a world where she -- and all women -- have had terrible things done to them, and are treated as second-class citizens. Rather than use this power to enact revenge or mould the world to suit her design, she uses it instead to reach out and empower other women -- women with abilities of their own -- to rise up against the oppressive regime of New North.
This was an exciting, fast moving book, whose narrative voice switched from first person (Andra) to third person to give a nice wide view of how the plot was moving along -- I think this was a good choice by the writer.
I'd recommend this to fans of things like Hunger Games or Divergent, though to be honest, I enjoyed this more than either of those.
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Reading Progress

April 28, 2015 – Shelved
April 28, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
Started Reading
May 24, 2015 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Dustin (new) - added it

Dustin Helena, this sounds AWESOME!! Definitely something different for a change. Thank you so much for recommending it!

message 2: by Dustin (new) - added it

Dustin Terrific review, as well!

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