Its been more than 6 months since the last time I updated this homepage. Today, I would like to start again with more interesting issues and new method. On this article, I write my current research in my new institution. Its about urbanization prosess in Malang City, Indonesia
There are at least three ongoing process currently in Malang City, and will greatly affect inhabitants life in it.
First, the uncontrolled urbanization. Due to the growth of the housing industry that occupied agricultural areas in the lowlands. As a result, diminishing farmland and surrounded by the residential housing “cluster” type. In fact there is agricultural land with a size less than 50x50m are surrounded by housing. This agricultural land is not going to last long and will soon transform into housing.
Farmers who lost his job, then transferring the farm to the higher land. As a result, land conversion in the highlands takes place rapidly, from only ~ 3% in 2001, is now ~ 16% in 2014. This could has the potential disaster for landslides in certain areas with poor soil type and steep slopes.
Urbanization was not only occur in the lowlands, but also in the highlands, this is evidenced by the growing number of urban areas cover of ~ 21% in 2001 to ~ 40% in 2014. The majority occurred in the highlands.
While the forest cover has steadily decreased from ~ 64% in 2001, drastically reduced to ~ 22% in 2014.
The increase in surface temperature of the city environment, lack of water, and the supply of basic food such as rice and vegetables, perhaps even floods and landslides that will occur in the future must be addressed.
This issue will be available at the Research Show Case PTIIK (Program Information Technology and Computer Science) UB, which will be held on January 14, 2015 in Samantha Krida, UB.
Our study entitled; Geovisualization: Urbanization Process of Malang City, East Java, Indonesia will be presented in the format of the latest version of WebGIS  which is the result of our innovation.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Urbanization Process of Malang City, Indonesia
Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Urbanization Process of Malang City, Indonesia
For a while abstract can be read on this url;, please click on the “Research” and scroll down to the same research title

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