Dissociative Identity on Mon 4/7/14

Welcome to week 2. Dissociative Identity is here on WKDU Philadelphia, 91.7 fm to embrace this long overdue spring.. Now on every Monday from 2­4 pm, tune in for two hours of postrock, math rock, garage rock, along with songs you liked but were a little too tipsy to remember including Mumblr, The Wand, David Phosphor Walrus , Cousin Brian, and even some tracks from friendly bands this past weekend at Human BBQ. La di frickin da. Visit the Dissociative Identity Productions’ Tumblr and obey the Facebook/Twitter/Youtube. Super swell.

Follow ID_Dissociative on Twitter

Artist Title Album Label New
Every Jaws Buck'd http://www.mediafire.com/download/xc90c8ab0kfe87j/every+-+buck+d.zip
The Love Club Lonely Star Pearls Dissolve In Vinegar http://theloveclub.bandcamp.com/
Mumblr Bang Bang Bang Bang http://mumblr.bandcamp.com/
Marietta ... so they left me at a gas station Summer Death http://whereismarietta.bandcamp.com/
Donovan Wolfington American Spirits Stop Breathing http://donovanwolfingtonmusic.bandcamp.com/
Bleeding Fractals Burning Styrofoam The Dim Orange Lights http://bleedingfractals.bandcamp.com/
Pill Friends Rituals Blessed Suffering http://pillfriends.bandcamp.com/
Soda Bomb Soft Grunge The Future is Gonna Suck http://soda-bomb.bandcamp.com/
Bone Bats Weed Jeans (Jazz Cords) In Twain http://bonebats.bandcamp.com/
Every Level Buck'd http://www.mediafire.com/download/xc90c8ab0kfe87j/every+-+buck+d.zip
Frameworks Preamble Prawn/Kittyhawk/Droughts/Frameworks Split http://frameworks.bandcamp.com/
WAND Screaming Eye LAMC No. 11 http://famousclass.bandcamp.com/track/wand-screaming-eye
Cousin Brian It's On Me First http://cousinbrian.bandcamp.com/
Nona Through The Head Through The Head Single http://nonawc.bandcamp.com/
Secret Plot To Destroy The Entire Universe Dig That Hole Again... Girl Scouts / Loud? / Kilgore Trouth Split http://secretplottodestroytheentireuniverse.bandcamp.com/
Fuzz Till The End Of The Day LAMC No. 10 https://famousclass.bandcamp.com/album/lamc-no-10
CCR Headcleaner Free the Freaks LAMC No. 10 https://famousclass.bandcamp.com/album/lamc-no-10
Black Lips Make You Mine Underneath the Rainbow
Superchunk Burn Last Sundy Indoor Living
Owls I'll Never Be Two
Every Lotto Buck'd http://www.mediafire.com/download/xc90c8ab0kfe87j/every+-+buck+d.zip
Radiator Hospital They Live Total Request http://radiatorhospital.bandcamp.com/
All Dogs Buddy 7" http://alldogs.bandcamp.com/
Abi Reimold Morning Forget http://abireimold.bandcamp.com/
Angel Olsen Forgiven/Forgotten Burn Your Fire For No Witness
Sleepy Sun The Lane Maui Tears
Together Pangea Alive Badillac
Eyeshock Swelter In Clouds Salamander Breakfast http://eyeshockswelter.bandcamp.com/
Eyeshock Swelter Matchmade Salamander Breakfast http://eyeshockswelter.bandcamp.com/
Weed Granted Deserve http://weed.bandcamp.com/
Kyle Kaos Cheap Slice of Love Total Request http://kkaos.bandcamp.com/
Cayetana Hot Dad Calendar Hot Dad Calendar http://cayetana.bandcamp.com/
Amanda X Parsnip Parsnip http://amandax.bandcamp.com/
Cold Foamers Sixteen All Cold Everything http://coldfoamers.bandcamp.com/
Slippertails I Wanna Take Pills With You There's A Disturbing Trend http://slippertails.bandcamp.com/
Marge Raincheck Marge by Marge http://marge.bandcamp.com/
GUNK Terrified Gradual Shove http://ranchjams.bandcamp.com/
David Phospher Walrus American Footballhead Winter '13 - '14 Tour Split EP http://davidphospherwalrus.bandcamp.com/

Dissociative Identity

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 2-4pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Thursday 11am-2pm
Wednesday 6-7pm
Wednesday 6-7pm
Friday 11am-12pm
Friday 4-6pm
Friday 2-4pm
Sunday 6-7pm
Friday 3-6pm
Saturday 12-2pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-3pm
If your high school band was a clone of Cap'n Jazz and the only movie soundtrack you own is Friday Night Lights, Dissociative Identity is for you. Tune in for all that is math, lo-fi, garage, indie rock, and post-hardcore, with Dissociative Identity on WKDU Philadelphia, 91.7 fm.
Indie rock