A Visit to Washington, DC’s Cat Cafe “Crumbs & Whiskers”

My human, not content with spending those days away from me, has chosen to go to the new DC cat cafe for her birthday yesterday.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The good part though is that she could report to me on the cat cafe.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Overall, my human really liked the cafe. There are two floors and about 20 cats going about their business, letting clients pet them – or not. They are also all for adoption, so the cats in the cafe, hopefully for them, will change as they get adopted. You just have to book the time when you want to come online, and then come, have some coffee or tea and be a slave nice to those kitties.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The cafe seems to be successful as it was packed at 9 am on Saturday. She said the humans who worked there were very nice too and obviously love cats.

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

I think it’s a great idea to help cats and humans know each other better and to get some homeless kitties a home and a better chance for adoption as the humans can freely play with them.

If you think about it, these kitties have dozens of servants all the time. I wonder if one of them would be a better typist than my human…?

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe - Washington, DC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

You can find more pictures on my human’s blog too, here (yes, because she had the nerve to keep some for her blog!).

What do you think about cat cafes? Have you visited one before?

Crumbs & Whiskers
3211 O St NW
Washington, DC, 20007

26 thoughts on “A Visit to Washington, DC’s Cat Cafe “Crumbs & Whiskers”

  1. My human has yet to visit a cat cafe! There have been pop up ones where we live, but nothing permanent. And the couple of times my human has been out of town where there are cat cafes, I have been with her, which makes it difficult, since she would have to leave me behind in the hotel room.
    Summer recently posted…Pet Store SelfiesMy Profile

  2. We love the idea of the cat café…….anything that puts kitties who need a home “out there” for humans to see them and maybe fall in love with them and take them home – we’re ALLLLLL for!!!!! This looks like a super nice place too!

    Hugs, Sammy
    Sammy recently posted…Marvelous MondayMy Profile

  3. Our mom would love to go to a cat cafe, and wishes we had one in Boston. These kitties all look very relaxed and well cared for. It’s a much nicer place than a shelter for the cats AND the peeps. We hope they ALL get adopted!

  4. Mom is so excited to find out that there is now a cat cafe in our neck of the woods (four hours away). She is going to have to plan a trip to D.C. to visit; though, we do not know why she would need to meet other cats. Thanks for sharing the info and photos. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    p.s. Now that you are back blogging, please consider joining our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.
    Kitties Blue recently posted…SENSATIONAL SWIZZLE’S SELFIEMy Profile

  5. Mee-you Austin yur mumma was good to post fotoss an let you see shee iss beein good an not cheetin on you!!! Shee must miss all of youss’ a lot….
    happy Birthday to yur Mumma frum us here at Thee Purrfect Pad!!!
    LadyMum has her eye on thee Orange Tabby….
    “LadyMum you KNOW you not aloud more than 1 kitty!!!” ;)
    ***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum =^,.^=
    Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Mee Sparkley Selfie fur Selfie SundayMy Profile

  6. C’est bien si c’est chats qui ont besoin d’une maison. Sinon c’est triste !
    Il y en a un qui a du ouvrir à Nice. Mon humaine n’y est pas allée. Et moi j’aimerai pas du tout qu’elle aille faire des câlins à d’autres chats et jouer avec eux. Je ne suis pas du tout partageuse.
    Le chat qui est sur les photos 5 et 6 il ressemble beaucoup à une copine blogueuse. C’est un joli chat.
    J’espère qu’elle revient bientôt ton humaine
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Dans la forêt lointaine …My Profile

  7. Pingback: Humans On & Off – Currently MIA |

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