May God Bless America

Born and Raised in the USA, and Still Proud to say, "I am An American" (7/03/01)
Barry W. Black's Work Profile

May God "Still" Bless America

In memory of
Many & Much

MIRRORS An American Quotes
Please view my webs with the most up to date
Internet Explorer or Netscape browser

Over your head in I.T. problems? I can help

Network Design:
Resumes & Profiles
Work History
Professional Skills
My Education
Job Roles
Certifications Classification
Skills and Interests

The HTML Writers Guild

Now on 328

Is there anyone with more
certifications than me?

Welcome to my Work Profile Web site!
My Flamer Disclaimer
My Plain Brown Wrapper Resume

(for those who prefer "Vanilla" to viewing my circuit boards)


Quotes are stored wisdom
(these are a few that rule, I think)

Please remember as you read these...

History has it that Thomas Alva Edison experimented with thousands of filament materials and expended tremendous amounts of effort before discovering carbonized thread and succeeding to make a viable light bulb!

The secret of greatness is simple:
Do better work than any other person in your field - and keep on doing it.

- Wilfred A. Peterson

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration
Thomas Edison, Inventor and Scientist, The Wizard of Menlo Park

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved
except by those who dared believe that something
inside them was superior to circumstances.

-Bruce Barton
I win, because I don't Quit.
Barry W. Black  (I like to think that I'm in "good company".)
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
   Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
   Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
   Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge, former President of the United States of America
There are risks and costs to a program of action.
But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.
John F. Kennedy, former President of the United States of America

Have you ever thought about what Albert Einstein was working on when he died?
Here's a picture of his last chalkboard.

Since 12/3/2000, I have earned a total of 329 certifications, and 235 are Information Technology related certifications from Microsoft, SCO, CompTIA, ProSoft, Brainbench, and SkillDrill.

The list now includes 50 Master Certifications,
ALL 12 B.C.I.P's, as well as 32 new of the new
U.S. Government O*net based Job Role Certifications,
and #1 position world-wide for FIBER OPTICS @

I am a partially disabled Vietnam-era Veteran and, I am seeking direct employment or contract labor in the I.T. industry. 
Relocation, Travel, and Telecommuting  are options.

Barry W. Black
6008 Vista Avenue
Sacramento, Ca 95824

(916) 428-3242
for employment
purposes only

My recent letter to President George W. Bush about a SPAM solution

Team Projects


Member of...

Sun™ Executive Boardroom Life Sciences member

homepg_rhn_logo.gif (2347 bytes)

Authorized SCO Group Partner

Accredited for SCO OpenServer 5, SCO UnixWare 5, and Caldera OpenLinux

Here you can see my scores and synopsis of my strengths and weaknesses is ISO9001 Certified  

is the International Organization for Standardization



I have been accepted as an
Authorized SCO Group Partner
Accredited for
SCO OpenServer 5
SCO UnixWare 5
Caldera OpenLinux

A new milestone...
13 Master certifications
in One Month

*On 9/25/02

I wrote to
Guinness World Records
for an entry in four categories...
1. Most Certified I.T. Professional World-wide
2. Most Certifications Earned in One Day
3. Most Certifications Earned in One Month
4. Most Certifications Earned in One Year
1st certification
29 One Month

50 in 1 month
including 5 Master Certifications

I passed # 79 on
Which was nearest the end of the 1st Year!


I earned




Email The Web Master
Email the Web Master

Ideas become Inventions become Products become Cashflow becomes Freedom!
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998-2003 Golden Eagle Enterprises
Wednesday, December 24, 2003 11:24:47 PM -0800

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     Micosoft Take Three
for my kids, Barney, Beth, and Zack  ....  A Legacy.

None knows the weight of another's burden  - George Herbert
... but Love Never Fails (1 Cor. 13:8)