Gil Troy's Reviews > Hard Choices

Hard Choices by Hillary Rodham Clinton
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's review

it was ok

I deserve a medal! I read the whole tedious book. Hillary's first memoir, about her time as First Lady, was interesting, honest, complex -- and far more compelling than Bill's deadly dull memoir, which read like a calendar with some conjunctions added.

This memoir of Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, like her campaign so far, is just too cautious, too timid. It's fascinating, though, to see how she presents herself, as a good person, as a problem solver, as a crisis manager, as a diplomatic fixer, but not as a big strategist or idea person or visionary. In fact, looking for big ideas in this book is as futile as looking for genuine regrets or mistakes or lessons learned.
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message 1: by Al (last edited Aug 31, 2015 10:53AM) (new)

Al Sundel Dear Gil Troy,

I am busy writing novels and reading few books. I tried Goodreads and found them not for me. I stay away. As for the book you recommend, I wouldn't believe a word of it. I can't stand her inauthenticity. Her first book was definitely ghostwritten for her. The second no doubt was too. To borrow from Lincoln, she is a fooler of people. May I suggest you try my King David, Vol 1 instead. For more history.

Al Sundel

message 2: by Lowell (new)

Lowell I wonder if Clinton tells about the tine she sat in the frong row listening to Suha Arafat's blood libel speech, after which she gave the wife of the arch-terrorist a great big hug. Or about the time she landed in Bosnia "under sniper fire" - later shown to be a big lie.

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