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It’s a fact, “honour” based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) are happening here in the UK.
  • In 2010 more than 2800 cases of “honour” based violence were reported to the police. But this is not the full picture, in 2012 1 in 5 police forces failed to properly record cases and many cases are never reported.
  • In 2013 the government gave advice or support to victims in 1302 forced marriage cases.
  • Over 60,000 girls under the age of 15 are at high risk of FGM every year in England and Wales. Over 137,000 women in England and Wales are already living with the consequences of FGM.
Every young person has the #Right To Know:
  1. That they have the right not to face “honour” based violence, forced marriage or FGM.
  2. That support is available for them if they are worried about “honour” based violence, forced marriage or FGM. 
  3. That their teachers and the staff at their school or college will understand and take steps to protect them if they disclose “honour” based violence, forced marriage or FGM.
What needs to happen:
  • All schools must embed the prevention of “honour” based violence, forced marriage and FGM into their safeguarding procedures, which must be monitored by Ofsted.
  • All school staff must be trained to understand and spot the signs of “honour” based violence, forced marriage and FGM and to know what to do if any student could be at risk.
  • Through the national curriculum, every student must be educated that they have the right not to face “honour” based violence, forced marriage or FGM and that support is available for them and for anyone who they are concerned may be at risk.
Good news!

A new Bill is currently going through parliament which, if it is passed, will make teaching Personal Social Health and Economic education (P.S.H.E.) a statutory requirement. The Bill states that P.S.H.E. would cover education on ending violence against women and girls and that teachers must be trained on how best to deliver this education.

24th October 2014 is the 2nd reading of the Bill in the House of Commons.
To get through to the next stage, the Bill it needs to be voted through by MPs.

We need your help
Write to your local MP to let them know that this issue is important to you, ask them to back the PSHE Bill and tell them that you want it to explicitly address “honour” based violence, forced marriage and FGM.

We know that every personal letter that an MP receives from their constituent makes a big impact. 
There is a template letter here, please feel free to amend it in any way you would like to. You can send your letter in an email through  
Too young to vote? Please do write to your MP because this issue affects you and your peers and your MP cares what you think - you are a future voter!

Once you have written to your MP we would be really grateful if you could let us know by emailing Sara, our Campaigns Officer or let us know on twitter @IKWRO using #RightToKnow or via Facebook

When your MP responds to you, please let us know and it would be great if you can share their response with us by emailing 

Thank you to everyone who has already written to their MP. 

If you know anyone who you think would like to support the Right To Know campaign please forward this email to them.

You can also support the Right To Know campaign by letting people know about it on social media and retweeting and sharing our posts on twitter @IKWRO and 

Together we can end “honour” based violence,
forced marriage and FGM.
Thank you!



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