
Just like a well-oiled machine, your body needs regular maintenance to keep it in optimal condition – particularly if you’ve had a recent injury or are susceptible to ongoing pain and discomfort.

Enter massage. It’s not just a beneficial therapy for treating injuries and muscle soreness. A regular “maintenance massage” is also a key step in your body’s injury prevention plan.


What is maintenance massage?

A maintenance massage is a preventive measure that helps to keep your muscles in a ‘happy place’.

Whether you’re an athlete prone to injuries or an office worker affected by tension headaches, regular maintenance massages can keep muscle pain and discomfort under control.

By focusing on elements such as posture, workout and training, massage helps to enhance performance and improve general strength, flexibility, health and well-being.

According to Bodyline Health International’s Founder, Holly Hicks, maintenance massage can also prevent injury from recurring.

“Regular maintenance massages are a great way to manage any related tension that may lead to injury,” Holly says. “By investing in massages as part of a personalised treatment plan, you’re pro actively addressing potential muscle tension – as opposed to waiting until you get to ‘crisis stage’ to treat your injuries.”

Holly also points out that muscle pain and discomfort that isn’t managed on a regular basis can result in expensive emergency appointments, as well as ongoing disruption to work and daily life. “We see a lot of this at the clinic,” she says. “People ‘forget’ about their injuries when their pain disappears, yet often the underlying cause of their pain is still building up in the background.”


Setting a treatment plan

After you’ve recovered from muscle pain or injury, a maintenance massage should form part of an ongoing treatment plan, according to Holly.

A personalised treatment plan can help to identify the source of any potential pain, discomfort or chronic problems and offer effective, realistic strategies for combating serious injuries.

“We’ll work with you to find out what your triggers are and then put a plan into place to help you achieve your end goal,” says Holly.

Bodyline Health International’s treatment plans can include massage, physiotherapy and chiropractic sessions as well as at-home exercises. “You may start off with weekly treatments, then move to anywhere from 2-6 weekly sessions, depending on your individual needs.”

So don’t wait until you’re in pain to see us – find out more about our remedial massage and sports massage services, and book an appointment today to keep your muscles healthy and happy!

One response »

  1. Keeping your muscles happy and healthy allows you to live a better life.

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